Roman Holiday

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It's a beautiful morning in Paris, France. Douglas and I are on the plane, I look out the window to see the historic buildings that is scattered in the city, with skinny and rocky roads.
The light indicator lit up blue telling everyone on board on the plane to put their set belt on as the flight attendant speaks through the speakers,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your seatbelt on as we going to be landing at Rome soon."
20 minutes pass and we have landed to the sun kissed Rome, we get our luggage dropped off at our hotel and we both head to the nearest ice cream shop were I have a blueberry gelato and Doug has chocolate gelato.
While strolling around the streets of Rome that is buzzing with angelic live street music, both locals and tourists cheerily dance their way though the streets as the sun beaming down at us. From the corner of my eye I beautiful so gorgeous I cannot but take Doug hand and run towards this beautiful scenery that glistens,
I turn to Doug and ask.
"Do you have a coin" he chuckles and gives me three coins, we both made our wishes and through our coins in the Trevi fountain. Doug wraps his arm around my waist and head back to our hotel, taking short brakes to take quick pictures with Doug's polaroid. When upon arriving at our hotel I cannot help but sleep I guess the jet lag got the better of me.

Several hours later I find myself rejuvenated from the 3 hours sleep and I take a quick shower and put on some fresh clothes, I am wearing true blue mom jeans, silky smooth cream blouse and red block midi heel pumps, then I left my face bare of makeup.
Doug walk in just after I finish getting ready, he hugs to me swaying us side to side then gently kiss my forehead. His kisses are bliss.

"Good afternoon my beautiful, you ready?" He ask as he pulls away from our hug.  I nod.

"Yep, but what are we doing anyway?" I ask out of curiosity. He simply smiles and grabs our luggages and head to the reception then hands the hotel card key to the receptionist I follow in confusion. Then he throws our luggages in the back of a vintage convertible vw beetle and then he takes my hand leading me to the car. He is leaning against the passenger side of the car and kiss me then all of a sudden he picks me up and spins around then smoothly puts me into the car. Doug swiftly strolls to the drivers side of the car, he gets in and we are off. 

We are off somewhere, anywhere!

3 hour 30 minutes has pass and we arrive at a beautiful authentic Florence villa, Doug drives through the open wire gates and parks the car in front the huge stone villa that has hints greenery climbing all around the walls of the villa. As Doug closes the gates, I carry the luggage to our room and I collapse on the bed taking a deep breath in and exhaling out slowly. I prop myself up on the bed with both of my elbows supporting me, I see across the room is 3 huge window panels. The middle window opens up to the balcony, peering though the windows I see the sun setting with sky changing from blue to orange to fire red. 

A sharp whistle coming from the back distracted me from my sun gazing, I smoothly go towards the balcony, resting my arms on the stone wall and look down to see my Douglas holding a bottle of grape wine and grinning at me. He places the wine softly on the ground and he climbs on the vines. 

"Hay, come down and watch the sun set with me please" Doug ask sweetly, I kiss him. I was about to head down the stares but Doug catches my hand and looks down. 

"Doug, is it too dangous to down that way, vines won't hold me" I panic, he  softly laughs and replies, "My dear, I am pretty sure I am more heaver than you and I won't break, I have been climbing theses vines for years. Do you trust me?" He ask.

I nod to him, then he disappears down to the ground. Looking over the balcony I pick the courage and I start to straddle the wall, then I place my feet onto a strong part of the vine. Doug was saying something but I block the any sound that came my way. continuing with climbing down the vine I manage to have both my feet planted on a secure part of the vine. I did't look down I simply try to find any secure vines to next step on, I open my eyes so I could see where else I could place my right feet causing me to look down and feel hand sweating and I lost my grip and I fell . 

Doug catches me and I start laughing, Doug places me down and hugs me, " Why are you laughing?" He ask with concern, I finish my laughing and look at him. " I felt the adrenaline rush and plus I only fell 2 metres from the the ground." We both start laughing and then when we pull ourselves together. Doug grips the wine and two wine glasses and we both sit at the edge of the pool with our legs in the surprisingly warm water. I place my head on Doug's shoulder and we watch the sun set whole we drink our wine. The sun set is surreal, as merges from one vibrant colour to the next vivid colours, then the sky become ashy with a hint purple. When the beautiful dancing sky finished, I take my last sip of my wine and then I wrap my arms on each of Doug's shoulders and rest my chin on my hand I simply smile at him. 

He smiles and softly utters "lets take a dip in the pool." , Doug stands up and starts to take of his clothes but his under wear, I do the same. We found ourselves standing in nothing but our underwear in a warm summers evening of Florence, Italy. Doug takes my hand and leads me backward preparing us to run.

" 3,2,1...GOOOO" We both yell, as we run towards the pool still holding Doug's hand and we both Cannonball into the pool. While we were submerge in water, we both laugh at each other and then I grab Doug's face with both of my hands cupping his jaws, I kiss him. To his surprise he wasn't expecting  that to  happen but then again I didn't expect I would anything like that.

- You see I don't usually take control or say/do what I want to do. I don't why but I like to follow the rules and no one will get hurt. My Mum always told I can do anything, but in the world of men I am just a little girl. I surprised every one with my four A* in my A-levels, being accepted in four of the high prestigious universities in the world and my highest achievement is being the youngest to raises over  16 million dollars for education for the needy children in the world. So I guess I never had any time to find myself, have a break and do what ever I want. -

We remerge ourselves out of the water, still kissing each other. I break the moment in shock that I have do this, it felt great and magical. 

"WOW.." I exclaim. Doug smiles with shock, "Well, that was something. It was passion..I mean it is passion. Like better than sex passion." I cut him off and I kiss him again but with even more passion. I broke the kissing again. "Talking about sex lets not do it, I want to save it for marriage." I add in as I catch my breath, He presses his head against my forehead and whispers, "Ok!" The way he said 'ok' is like a man in love saying 'I do' in his wedding day. 

We both swim in the pool for the rest of the night. 

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