Strong genes

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I grab myself a quick bite of a plump apple and with my book, I slowly lower myself onto the bed next to Doug who is still sleeping, a few minutes into reading I feel Doug pulling himself towards me and use my thighs as a pillow. I gently place my book on the nightstand and start to play with his hair, "Good Morning my beautiful." He mumbles and he turns his head to look at me and then he beams a beautiful smile.

"Hi, my love" I reply as I continue to play with his hair and then softly kiss his forehead. I look at the clock on the nightstand and I get up to change with Doug mumbling behind me. I sit back on the bed to slip on my sandals, then I head downstairs to pack my straw bag: chucking my purse, black cat eye sunglasses, lip balm and my straw hat. Heading upstairs to grab my book and say goodbye to Doug before I leave. Once I swiftly grab my book and place it under my arm, I look at the bed to see that it is empty and hot air creep into the bedroom I look to find it is coming from the balcony. Where my half-naked, messy hair of a boyfriend is hunch over the balcony gazing. I head out to the balcony and hug him with my cheeks against his bare back. He turns to me and we gaze at each other.

"I just wanted to say is that I'm going to the market, need anything? " I ask and then plant a kiss. Doug simply nods no.

Doug guides me downstairs and then outside in the front of the house as he helps me get into the car by placing my bag on the passenger side. We kiss goodbye, before my departure.

Driving through the busy market I park the car and head out towards the lively market; shop owners yelling from the top their lungs, while others are mumbling with costumers for deals and children running around.
I head towards the nearest tuck shop that are selling vibrant fruits and vegetables,
The man behind the tuck greets me.
"Buongiorno, What would you like young lady?" He asks greeting me with a warming smile.

After gazing at the platter of fruits and vegetables I reply,
"A bag of strawberries, lemon and blueberries please and two large ripe avocados thank you"
He gives me my things and I pay for my things. Before I could leave I fill something tapping on my leg, I look down to see it is a curly haired olive skinned little girl. I go on my knees so I am the same level as the girl.

"It's for you. A pretty tulip for a pretty girl" she says with a smile that give life to her green eyes. After handing me the tulip, I hug her and gave her my floppy straw hat placing it on her small head which slides forward covering her face. We both laugh.

"You look better in it than I do and plus it looks nice with your cute dress. You know what you can keep it my dear." I smile at her and then she hugs me once again causing me to lose my balance but I regain and I gave a big hug.

"Angelina please come, your Mummy and Daddy will worry about you. Please come now" a voice emerges from the crowd cutting our hug.

The little girl breaks the hug and runs towards the voice.

I continue with shopping which took me an hour and I finish by grabbing myself a small cup of ice tea in a cafe around the corner from the market. As I drink my tea. I take my sketchbook & pencil and start to draw my surroundings while letting the music from the street band playing soulful jazz music.

It just has gone past one in the afternoon and I have just arrived at the house, to find two extra cars parked in front of the house. As I walk to the kitchen with two arms full of groceries and lay them on the kitchen counter, I could hear mellow music and people chatting out in the back garden. Traveling from the kitchen to the garden, I feel a light tap on my leg I look down to find it was the same girl from the market 'Angelina'.
She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the small crowd.
"Mummy, Mummy, Mummyyy...I found the pretty girl from the market" the girl yell to get everyone's attention. Which did succeed, as everyone from the in the crowd is now gazing at us.
"You must be Darci! I'm sorry about my Angelina, she has been talking about this pretty girl she found at the market. You have made quite an impression on her and my son" a woman with ashy white long hair and tanned glowly skin approaches me and gave me a welcoming hug. The hug that sways side to side!
"Oh well thank you...your son?" I ask,
as Doug hugs the woman from the side and she says, "Oh sweetie, let me introduce myself and the family. I'm Julie, on my right is my husband John, this little girlie is my daughter which you have already met. Doug here is my son and lastly, the lady on the phone is Madeleine she Angelina's nanny."
I became formerly to the names as Doug always talk about them and I just took a moment to match the names with the faces.
"Oh yes yes, Doug have talked a lot about you guys. It's great to meet you guys, I see the whole family has the good looking genes. You guys look like models. Honestly" I gosh about how beautiful they, it's very rare to see people rock ashy white like Mrs & Mr Martin and they all have sun kissed glowly tan.
"I going to make dinner, so I will be at the kitchen if you guys need anything" I politely leave.
I unload the bag of groceries and start the appetisers by chopping up the ingredients for the summer salads, after a few minutes I make the main meal when Julie shuffle towards me.

"You are something else, Darci." Julie smiles as she helps me with the main, I look at her confoused. "Why is that?" I ask whole taking out the pizza from the oven.

"You see my boy, has had a fair share of rebellion in these past years but he diffract around you. It like I have my baby Doug back" Julie gives me a soft smile before she goes out with the starter, I follow out to the garden with the pizza.
I can't help but think about what Julie means about Doug rebellious pass.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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