Blueberry muffin

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We are parked in front of my house, we got out the car and walk in front of my door step. I unlock the door before I head in I turn to a wet and cold Douglas and said "Hey, thank you for the picnic" He replies "It's no problem, to be honest I had the best day" He scratches his head while looking at floor with shyness and he starts to walk towards his car.
"DOUGLAS" I shout, he turns with confusion on his face. I open the door wide and smile, "It's to late for you to be driving, stay the night...please" I ask him.
He smirks and walks into my house and takes off his jacket placing it on the hangar.
"Let me take you to the guest bedroom." I gesture to the stairs leading him to the guest bedroom, Douglas flops on the bed making himself comfortable. Before I head to my room I say, "Goodnight, if you need anything my room is at the end of the corridor." He smiles and softly says,"Goodnight Darci."


The sweet sweet smell of baked goods fill the house, oh what a way to wake up to! I hop off my warm bed, slip in my slippers and put on my glasses. I look at the time: 10:30...I must have been exhausted from last night, as I waddle down the stairs the smell coming from the kitchen becomes more and more intense.
When upon arriving to the kitchen I was surprises to see Douglas was up and dressed, he turns to see me then his face lit up with joy. "You are up, great because I just finished making breakfast" Douglas says before taking off the oven gloves and apron, "Pancakes,waffles,French toasts, BLUEBERRY MUFFINS MY FAVOURITE" I giggle at how excited I got about blueberry muffins and continue, "This is a lot food, why did you make so much?" He answers "To be honest I didn't know what you like so I made this much just in case, I hope you have a big appetite?" He smiles at me nervously and I just grin.
I grab two plates and placed them on the counter, I grab two blueberry muffins, French toast and waffles. As Douglas grabs a pile of pancakes and starts to Pour honey all over his pancakes then over my French toast.
We eat our breakfast while we continue to talk, "So what are we going to do today?" I ask Douglas, I look at him with wonder. "well...It will be a surprise. Just make sure you wear something you don't mind getting messy in!" He laughs, "Ok will do'' I replied to him.

"so who is Darci Bloom? What is her story?" Douglas ask before shoving a bite full of pancakes. What a question! Are we in the notebook or the fault in our stars? ' Who is Darci Bloom? ' ... I am the girl that sits alone reading the same books over and over again, I am the girl guys never date, I am a introvert and I like that. Darci Bloom is a hopeless romantic with lots going on in her mind, she is in her own world! But most of the time Darci Bloom doesn't know who she is either."

I say without thinking, I let my words flow out like a waterfall, I look up to see Douglas in awe.
"That is most beautiful thing I have ever heard and you know what I am no Prince Charming. I hurt people because I am hurt, I just want to love someone that loves me for me, I am the guy that wouldn't talk to the girl sitting alone in the corner. Douglas wants to be understood and loved. You are something else Darci Bloom"
Douglas take his hands, cups my cheeks and kisses my forehead.

I head upstairs to get ready, after my shower I see a box packaged beautifully with a note. The note reads:

Bring this with you, I hope it fits you. And one more thing I will be there when you fall.
Douglas X

I simply smile to myself, after I dress myself with some clean clothes and tie my hair in low bun. I head down to the living room to see that Douglas once again already for whatever we are doing. "So what are we actually doing today?" I ask once again, he chuckles and takes my hand then leads me to his car. He replies, "You will have to wait and see, little one"My cheeks hurts up when Douglas called me "little one" he turns to see my cheeks burning up but kisses my forehead and we both laugh.

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