Evening picnic

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My light airy Victoria sponge cake with perfectly thin strawberry jam and whipped cream wedged between the cake travel from the kitchen to our table with my grandpa lightly placing it in front of me.
I glance up to thank him, to see he has company on the way, it was the guy that I unfortunately bumped my head at but fortunately was able to meet briefly. Grandpa turns to introduce him to me "Darci this is Douglas, Douglas this is Darci my granddaughter." Douglas look at me with a refreshing look, I lightly cough and explain myself "I am my grandparents adopted granddaughter, if there was any confusion with my deeper complex of skin." I finish and take a bite of my heavenly cake.
He laughs. Douglas laughs but it not patronising yet warm and comforting, I give him a curious look. As he take a sit next to me and grins.
"So Darci what brings you to Malibu?" Douglas queries me, I blush and softly reply "I want to relax and find myself"

I feel his deep eyes examining my facial features I continue to read my book, then Douglas slides my book out my hands and gently turns my chin so that I am looking at him. He is beautiful, not hot, not cute, not edgy but beautiful! Dashing is his hair, that is wavy and tucked behind his ears with some strands of hair flopping over his face. That face of his which has uncountable freckles and dimples that complement his button nose, his jawline is so sharp that it makes Douglas seem even more beautiful then ever.

He whispers, "How about I help you and it starts with you and I getting too know each other?"
My eyes glisten with excitement but I feel so nervous should I start an adventure with someone new or do nothing.
I turn to my grandparents and they look at me with understanding, "It's ok, you guys can hang out. Me, your grandfather and Jon & Kate are going to our place to catch up." My grandmother say before leaving Douglas and I alone.
I continue to finish of my cake before Douglas takes my hand and drags out of the cafe, he opens the passagers door like a true gentleman as I hop in the jet black BMW, Douglas jogs to the drivers side.
He speeds off to I don't know where but I feel on edge. "Where are we going?" I ask as I hold on my book to my chest, he glances at me. "Somewhere beautiful" he winks at me.
It's been 30 minutes since we left the cafe and I have been reading until Douglas softly cough and pointed at the window. I elevate my head slowly to see that we are at the beach, I step out of the car and travel to the sea that is crystal clear blue dancing with the reflection of the sun, I turn leaping on Douglas to hug him.
Douglas chuckle "What was that for?" I shrug my shoulders and said "Just because.."
After wondering at the sea I hear a sharp whistle I darted my heard to the car to see that Douglas has made a picnic with towels and fruits & chocolate.
I look at him in amazement that he has do this, Yet he barely knows me. As we eat our food and learn about each other. It's surprising there is a lot to Douglas than I thought like he is a believes that animals should be treated well, he love to help the unfortunates, he has never likes to disappoint people, he is free spirited and much more that it could be a book.
I stand up to pack the picnic in the boot of his car, just after locking the car I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and being swing around then Douglas lets go of me and I grab his hand and drag him to the sea. I drench him with salty water.
He looks at me with shock then laughs and splashes me which makes me even more wet he continues to soak me in water until I run towards the car grabbing the keys and unlock it, I jump in the car and locked Douglas out.
He tries to open passenger door but he fail, he gives me puppy eyes, but I roll eyes at then he breath at the window which makes it foggy and he kisses on window that left a print of his lips.
I turn the window down and Douglas leans on the window edge and smiles, "Hi, there beautiful" I blush and reply, "You sure do know how to make a girl blush."
He leans head through the window and leans for a kiss but I stop him by squashing his cheeks and I laugh, "I don't think so Douglas next time" he blushes and walks to the drivers side before he could go in I unlock the door and he steps in and drives!

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