The Mythical and The Magical (A Teen Wolf and Percy Jackson crossover)

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A/N: Takes place after the war with Gaea and the giants. Also takes place after Teen wolf season 3b. But not going into how I think season 4 will go. It will be just a break and calm/peaceful time in Beacon Hills or will it be?

Chapter 1-

Percy POV
After the war ended in Greece, Annabeth Iris-Messaged Chiron to see what's going on with the camps. He had said that they resolved the issues once Reyna and Nico and Hedge showed up. So the camps weren't fighting, that's good.

Later after everything calmed down,we ,the seven, were hanging out on the Argo II flying back to New York. It would take about two weeks to sail back- at full speed.

I was getting tired and felt like a nap, so I went to my room. Once I was there I saw a golden drachma sitting on the desk by my bed, and there was a sticky not by it and it read: IM your mom, Percy. ~Dad. I rolled my eyes but agreed with him.

I made a rainbow and said," Oh Iris, please accept my offering and show me Sally Jackson. Manhattan, New York." An image started to come up after a few seconds. There she was in all white dress and beside her- Paul?- in a black tux. There was another guy between them. Was he marrying them?

The priest continued talking and said," You may now kiss the bride." And Paul kissed my mom. Wait, bride?!

"Mom?!" I said through the Iris Message. The newly married couple broke from their kiss.

"Percy?" She said. But before she could say anything else I swiped my hand through the message, cutting it off. I didn't feel like talking to her right now. (A/n: don't kill me for this scene) I decided right then and there that I wouldn't return home for a while. My mom deserved to be happy, and she can't be happy with me around. Me still being around is a constant problem for her, and I don't want her to constantly worrying. I would think about where I'd go later. Ya know, after my nap.


*slap* "Percy! Wake up, you Seaweed Brain!" I heard a similar feminine voice. Ah, yes. Annabeth.

"I'm up." I said groggily.

"How are you not up earlier? You've been out like a light for almost 48 hours!"

"Really?! Huh. It was a dreamless sleep. It was relaxing."

"Well clean yourself! We will be in New York in a few more hours."

"One condition." I said smirking at what I was thinking.


"Kiss me." I said standing up. She put her hands around my neck and kissed me. I cupped my hands on her cheeks, kissing her passionately and her to me.

"A-hem!" Someone said/ coughed?/ from the hallway. Piper. Ofcoarse. Her and Annabeth have really bonded through the war.

We stopped kissing. "Yes?" I asked sheepishly.

"Oh yeah!" Annabeth said. I think it's weird how girls can have a conversation with their eyes. "See you in a few, Seaweed Brain." She pecked my lips and walked off with Piper.

I hopped in the shower and as soon as the water hit my body I felt refreshed, cleansed. I was clean soon enough, and willed myself dry. I went to my closet. Thank the gods! I had a clean, non-ripped, bloodless Camp half-Blood t-shirt and and blue jean shorts.

I walked around the Argo II to look for everybody, but couldn't find them. I had one place left to check, the upper deck. As soon as I got there, I heard a lot of shouts," Suprise!"

Annabeth ran up to me and pecked me on the lips," Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday. Again." (A/n: I don't know if this is completely accurate. Like I don't know if it will be august. But just deal with it okay?)

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