Movie Night on a School Night!

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Chapter 3- No Way!

Percy's POV
"Long, long story." I scratched my neck. "Which I don't plan on telling for a while."

They all seemed to understand and not press forward with the subject. Scott broke the awkward silence,"Okay. Ummmm... We were planning on having a scary movie marathon, you want to join?"

"Uhh... Sure why the hades not?"

"What?" Isaac spoke up for the first time.

"What?! Nothing!" I said defensively, then cursed myself in Ancient Greek. "Movie time!" Eager to change the subject.

The guys walked into the living room, and Stiles set up the DVD player. But Lydia came up to me and grabbed my bicep. "Are you alright? Healthy? Not dying?"

"Yes I'm fine. Perfectly healthy." I replied.

"Okay.." She didn't look sure but she didn't pursue.

(A/N: okay so I had more typed out but my stupid IPad deleted the rest. Ugh! Stupid machines! Anyway I'll continue but sorry if it sucks from now on.)

We headed back to the living room to watch Halloween (the remake). Scott, Lydia, and Isaac took over the couch. Derek claimed territory on the recline chair. Stiles and I took the floor relaxing our backs on the coffee table. Stiles was about to press play when he shouted," Wait! What's a movie without popcorn?!"

"That's a great idea, I'll go get some." Scott volunteered.

"I'll come with you!" Lydia stood up and followed Scott to the kitchen to help with snacks.

I could hear them whispering, so I listened closer out of curiosity. Lydia whispered to Scott,"Scott, your friend Percy."


"Is he dying or anything?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Why?"

"I'm not sure. I just sense death around him. So he is either dying or witnessed to many deaths to count, which I doubt because he's no older than us."

Scott didn't say anything for a minute. "I don't know. I mean we've seen a lot of death too."

"Then I would sense the same around you guys too, but I think he's seen a lot more than we have. Or like I've said he's dying."

"Maybe it's part of his 'long, long story' that he isn't sharing with us."

Lydia didn't say anything back. The microwave beeped signaling the popcorn was done. Scott took out the bag and poured into a bowl and replied to Lydia,"We will have to wait and see. He just got here. Now's not the time to bombard him with questions."

They walked in a couple minutes later with a 3 bowls of popcorn and 6 cokes. Lydia tossed us each a can of coke and took her seat back on the couch between Scott and Isaac.

While the movie was playing everyone would jump when something was supposed to be scary, then there was me. I had my head thrown back on the table, snoring. Yeah, I was asleep during a 'scary' movie. I've been through so much more this kind of stuff doesn't scare me anymore. Now what does scare me is seeing anyone I love get hurt, Annabeth dying/leave me/drop intoTartarus-again/etc., and Leo singing 'This Girl Is On Fire' by whoever it's by.

"Dude! Wake up!" Stiles nudged me.

"Hmm? What?! What'd I miss?"

Stiles pointed at me,"Dude wipe that drool of your face!" I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. "It's just about to get good!"

I tried to pay attention, I really did. But for the gods sake I was bored! My ADHD was acting up, so distract myself I started flipping Riptide in my hand. (In pen form, of coarse.)

It looked like I wasn't the only ADHD kid in the room either. Stiles was constantly tapping his hands on his thigh or the ground.

The movie was finally over around 11 o'clock, and I was ready to sleep! "Shoo! I need sleep!" Scott, Stiles, and Isaac got up and went to their rooms. (Stiles slept on Scott's chair in his room.) Derek and Lydia were already asleep where they were so I let them be. I just found an extra blanket and pillow and fell asleep on the floor.

A/N: Ok just do you know I irregularly update! Some days I will upload a chapter or two. I might even go a week or two without updating, but if you guys comment and vote it'll show me how much you guys care I update more.

So more comments equals quicker updates!

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