Laps with The Coach!

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A/N: Oh my gods! You guys went above and beyond with the votes and comments! I'm gonna have to raise the bar on the bribery! Haha!

Ok on with the chapter....

Percy's POV:

The three of us headed to the boys locker room to change into gym cloths. And I didn't have any since I was unaware I'd be attending school. Typical.

"Hey, kid!" I heard a voice call. "Kid, I'm talking to ya'!" He grasped my shoulder and turned me around.

"Yeah?" I wasn't sure I liked this guy.

"You new?"

"Yes sir." I said to the older guy.

"I'm coach Finstock." He introduced. "Get into your gym clothes!" He looked like he started checking me out. "Then after school, your trying out for the lacrosse team!"

"Okay, and uh... No."

"What do you mean, 'No.'?" I don't think he's used to be turning down. He reminded me a bit of Coach Hedge.

"I mean: No! I'm not trying out for any team unless it's a swim team."

"I'll get you to try out. I will." He slowly stated as he slowly walked backwards until he rammed into a locker causing him to turn into his office.

"So now you've met Coach." Scott said throwing me an extra pair of shorts and t-shirt.

"Thanks." I appreciated his gift of gym cloths. Though they didn't match. Like at all. If Aphrodite saw me, she would pass out 'cause of its ugliness, but nevertheless I was grateful. It was this ugly shade of green t-shirt with bright red basketball shorts. *mentally shivers*

We changed and went out to the gym. I changed in a bathroom stall 'cause I didn't want anyone seeing my scars.

*whistle!!!* "I want 30 laps, ladies!" The coach bellowed.

Since there weren't any girls in our gym class, I figured he was talking to us. All the guys awed, but it didn't seem like much so I began running. Everyone followed behind me.

30 laps later everyone was super exhausted, except me and Scott.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it Stiles?" I said looking back at the awkward teen who was bent down out of breath. "You know if he stand up and put your hands behind your head, it'll help your blood flow better and oxygen to come in and out easier."

He did as I suggested. "How'd you learn that?" Stiles asked.

"I have a very smart girlfriend." I replied. But it's true. Dating a daughter of Athena tends to do that to you.

*whistle* *whistle* *whistle* "Out to the track, ladies! Run 2 miles!" You can guess who said that.

"Great. Just what I needed." Stiles said as we left the gym to the track. Scott and I laughed at our friend's comment.

Around a mile later the coach stopped me," Ya know I can stop they're suffering if you come try out for the lacrosse team." Was he bribing me?

"They'll survive. I've been through worse."

"Fine." Finstock said. He pulled out a megaphone. Where'd he get that? "Add another mile, ladies. Just so you know, it's Jackson's fault!"

Everyone groaned, and continued running. Another mile passed and everyone was walking, barely, but I was reaching a slow jog. Coach kept asking me the same thing each mile. I refused, he added another mile. The other students were wiped out, even Scott. They quit, they wouldn't run another mile.

I kept running. I wasn't gonna cave into this guy. About four miles later, I started walking. "Giving up Jackson?"

"Never." I began to run again to prove my point.

He asked me again when I came back around. "Sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I said very aggravated.

"Then another mile!" He shouted with his megaphone.

"Coach, I think he's had enough." Scott said also seeming aggravated.

"Not unless he joins my team! Another mile! Would you like to join him McCall?"

I began running again. Well, I wouldn't count it as running, but the appearance of running. I was about to pass the group of students that were sitting on the pavement, but then my vision went blurry and I hit concrete.

I heard the voice of Scott," Perce? Hey you okay?"

My vision went black.


A/N: Updated!! Yay! Was it a good cliffhanger??? Or do I need to work on it?

Annabeth: What's wrong with my Seaweed Brain?

Me: continue reading if your truly curious!

Percy: I'm gonna live right?

Me: we will see..

15 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter, guys!! You did way beyond great with achieving the last chapter, so I had to update the next day! Geez... Okay that's it.

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