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Jihyun's POV


They said trust your feelings , follow your heart.

It's all a lie.

I made that silly mistake that most people usually make and that is to follow my heart. I thought that maybe , just maybe I wouldn't regret my decision but I did.

And it all happened.

I was walking through the hallway when I saw that huge group of guys that are extremely popular standing against the lockers.

They are none other than , Wanna one.

Ask anyone around the school , they would all definitely know who is Wanna one.

All Girls had a crush on them , at least once in their life time and I'm definitely not an exception.

Girls were flirting with them , with their long lashes batting at those popular boys of the school and their pouty lips that is covered with tint.

I wanted to be them for at least a second.

Not because I wanted to have those tint and everything but I wanted to have their confidence.

I was always a short haired girl , or someone you would named as a tomboy. I didn't mind , not even a single bit.

Until I went to High school.

I was pretty much living in my shorts with those damn collared tees and my sneakers that cost five dollars a pair , but I didn't mind.

At that time , all I ever cared about was studies and not once , about guys.

I was never into Kpop or Korean dramas , I was practically an alien living in the human world.

Girls looked at me with weird gaze as I walked through the hallway with my sneakers and a bag pack that I thought was fancy.

I didn't have big mansions like those girls in my school , neither do my parents have those high rise office buildings that could store a UFO.

I was just , me.

I didn't ask my parents for too much , I just asked them to give me food because that's all I need to survive.

Okay , I need air and water too but you get what I mean.

But then back to reality , I'm still me.

I'm still that old , tomboy girl that walks around with her baggy shorts that could save thousands of gallons of water in the pockets of what one would call , a well.

I have to admit that I wasn't proud of my look in anyway , I wanted to change myself but I just didn't have the luxury to change my teeth and all.

" Kim Jihyun ! "

As usual , I'm being chased out of the class because I didn't complete my homework. The reason behind it was because I was working till midnight yesterday , it was a tough day.

My parents had no clue that my homework is slacking off a lot , and I didn't have the intention to tell them.

I didn't have parents that were young , my parents had me and my sister when they were in the older age but I didn't mind.

Mrs Kang threw my book out of the class and it fell flat onto the ground with a loud , thump.

Kids in class were making fun of me , saying that I stole food and kept it in my pocket. They even made jokes out of me , they said that I was dumped and my parents weren't my real parents.


I hated my class so much , but I can't do much because my parents didn't know what kind of position I am in currently.

I stood outside of the class with my arms held high as Mrs Kang continued teaching in class.

I wanted to be like the other kids with awesome gadgets that could save every single tiny details in their lives , even if it's just a number.

My parents didn't have the wealth to actually give me an actual smart phone like what other kids have these days but I'm fine with it.

I might not have much but I have more experiences.

Definitely not trying to brag.

Seconds turned into minutes and finally , I could placed my arms down. However , It's time to face the cruel scene , known as reality.

Mrs Kang is one of the fiercest person I've known in my life , she's the definition of the lion in my school and i'm just a tiny ant , known as her prey.

" Why didn't you do your assignment , again ? " She slammed my work on her desk as all the teachers looked towards us.

I looked down at the ground , trying to avoid that topic but we all know that I can't avoid it anyway.

" Let me ask you again , Why didn't you do your assignment ? " I could feel the tension in the air but I have to hold it in still.

This time , she gave up.

She stood up and threw my book into the garbage and said something that I never thought would ever come out of her mouth.

" If your going to continue being like what you are now , your going to be like your book. Your going to continue living the life of a garbage that no one cares. "

At that moment I just asked myself ,

Am I such a loser ?

Is that what others' sees in me ?

Mrs Kang realised what she've said and slowly calm down. She sighed in frustration as she stared at me.

" Write down a reflection on what you did wrong , otherwise , your parents will be called down to meet the principal. "

After that , I was asked to leave the teachers' room.

I looked down at my book that was just thrown into the dustbin a couple minutes ago. I pitied it , having an owner like me.

I walked back to the classroom to hear loud chattering of the students in my class. They were saying about how expensive their new mansions are or how expensive their makeups are.

It all stopped when I entered.

" Look at her clothes , I bet she got it from the garbage , where she belongs. " One of them said before they burst into laughter.

I got used to the life of basically ,

A Garbage.

4th July 2017

I wouldn't delete the last 2 parts if I could continue but just please bear with me because i'm trying to figure out a way to combine another plot with this :)

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