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18th December 2017

It's the date when an extremely talented musician took away his life. It's upsetting to know how depression slowly creeps up to him and pushed him till his breaking point and that's when, he decides to do it.

His last words to his sister was, " It's been really hard up until now. Send me off please. Tell everyone I've suffered. This is my last greeting. "

Please just appreciate people around you, don't treat anyone like trash just because you hate them. Don't insult them till the extreme because you never know when's their breaking point.

Treat idols like human beings, give them the respect they deserves and not objects. Hating on the company wouldn't help much unless you walk over to them and say it in their face.

I hope Jonghyun's case would be a wake up call for everyone. I hope you guys would realised how fast things changed, how quick depression can take away someone's life and how words can ruin someone's day.

If you have depression or know of anyone who have it please help them. It's not a joke, it's something that's extremely serious and it takes away people's life everyday.

Please understand that Jonghyun isn't the only one who suffered from depression. Thousands of people on the world suffers from depression, don't only focus on celebrities.

Please help when you can, don't leave them at the edge alone.


It hurts me so much writing this, i've been a shawol for many years now and even though i'm not their avid fan but I do love their music. It happened so fast but this is life, sadly :(

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