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the first he notices when he walks out of Derek's empty room, was how bright the place was. Which was a given considering the place was practically a massive mansion type home, just covered in glass.

"How the fuck can they see?" Stiles whispered under his breath as he walked down the bright stairs. "They gotta be blind every morning." Stiles said, and froze when he heard a couple chuckles behind him. He turned to see no one. "Creepy." 

He made his way down hoping to find some water for his dry throat. Does he look decent? Oh well, he's hungover, does it really matter.

He got to the bottom of the stairs and heard sounds of laughter and delicious smell of food. He cursed under his breath when he heard his stomach growl.

"Morning sleepy head." Alice said as he walked towards the front door to leave. "Leaving so soon?" She asked.

"Yeah, probably should get ready for school." Stiles said making up the first lie that came to his head. When he heard everyone chuckle he tilted his head in confusion.

"It's Saturday." Edward clarified with a small smile.

"Well then, that's news to me." Stiles said feeling awkward, but the second his eyes landed on Jasper he felt happy. What the hell?

"Jasper." Edward said giving him a stern look.

"Just helping." He smirked, that look could make any straight person question themselves.

Edward gave a small chuckle, making Stiles feel awkward again. 

"Sorry about falling asleep in your room, man. " Stiles offered, trying not to look at any of the other 12 set of eyes a glance.

"Don't mention it." Derek said looking at his book.

"Alright then, I'll had out." Stiles said when he heard a voice behind him.

"Nonsense, stay for breakfast, I'll give you a ride back to your house." A females voice said making him jump. He saw the woman and immediately knew it was there mother.

"Ok." Stiles said quickly still scared. "You got a nice home." Stiles said, not really lying, he just didn't like how bright it was, in his hungover state.

"Thank you." She smiled and walked further into the kitchen, and he followed.

"I hate the windows." Renesmee said, smirking in his direction. As soon as she said that, many of them laughed.

guess it's an inside joke.

"Will you sit down?" Some tall dude said. He had a blonde girl on his shoulder. She looked like Lydia, she's probably high maintenance too. 

Jesus christ where do they find all these good looking orphans?

Again Edward laughed, only this time it was a full on belly laugh.

"Sorry, just thought of something." Edward explained.

"Stiles, this is Emmet and Rosalie, they graduated last year." Alice introduced

"Nice to meet you."  Stiles said, trying to avoid the huge dudes eyes, hoping he doesn't insult him. Just like the pack does with Scott.

Edward frowned but Stiles didn't pay attention because Mrs. Cullen put a plate of food in front of him.

"This is our dad, Carlisle." Bella said from behind Edward.

"Carlisle Cullen?" Stiles repeated to himself, where had he heard that name before. then it hit him. "Oh! You wrote a paper on the!" Stiles brain was going to fast for him to say everything. "I read two years ago!" Stiles said, remembering looking up things for the pack. 

"You read it?"  The doctor asked smiling.

"Yeah, it was great."  Stiles said. "It was helpful-" Stiles started to say but cut himself off.

"Helpful?" Derek asked speaking for the first time.

"For a research paper." Stiles lied.

"You thinking about pursuing a career in medicine?" Bella asked.

"If I stay alive long enough." Stiles murmured, but then added. "I was thinking more, law enforcement. You?"

"I'm thinking about doing Law  this time." She said.

"This time?" Stiles asked confused.

"Yeah, I was going for science, but I can't make up my mind." She said smirking.

"How are you finding the breakfast?" Esme asked 

"Great." Stiles said almost done with the whole plate. "Can I get a knife?" Stiles asked.

"Sure thing." She said.

When he got it it slipped cutting his finger along the edge of the sharp knife. He didn't flinched used to the feeling from multiple kidnaps.

What got him to flinch was everyone yelling.

"What the-" Things happened so fast after that. Derek was going crazy. The Cullens were blurry, running everywhere. Derek shoving everyone away.

"Oh hell!"  Stiles said running out. Luckily no one noticed to busy with Derek. "Can't catch a break from the supernatural!" Stiles screamed and ran into the woods. 

"Stiles!" Leah, one of Jacobs cousins, yelled making him turn, only to see Derek running up to him with red eyes.

Stiles froze knowing he wasn't going to be able to out run him.

"Fucking Alpha's." Stiles said and screamed when he felt Derek sink his teeth into his neck. "Oh shit you're a vampire!" Stiles said realizing he wasn't going to live. No he needed to live. For his dad at least. He riped his neck away and it wasn't the smartest idea, because it ripped his skin as well. 

He looked to see the Cullen's, they were shocked. Derek, stood motionless still looking at Stiles with crazy eyes.

"Derek?" Edward asked stepping close to Stiles, trying to get him out of here. When he did he was met with a growl that was so intense it made his neck sting.

"Calm down Asshole!" Stiles yelled surprisingly loud and the growling stops, not only that, but Derek's eyes go back to normal.

"I'm so sorry." Derek managed to say before he turn around, and Stiles saw the strangest thing, Derek hunched over and turned into a wolf within seconds, running off into the woods.

Stiles went to ask what the hell was going on but the only thing he did was, scream so loud he saw everyone cover their ears.

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