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It's been a week, maybe longer, time seemed blurred into one singular event and that's Derek.

His hands, his lips, hell, even his scent, they stayed in the force up on a mountain somewhere, somewhere Edward and the others couldn't hear them. Stiles still thinks they can hear them anyway, the ferocious noises coming from the both of them sounds like an avalanche and he's not that fazed by the fact that they might hear him in the slightest.

When they finally pull away Stiles thinks it's been more than a week, maybe nine days, he counted the way the moon made Derek look at least eight times, so it's logical it's been nine days.

"I'm hungry." Derek moaned rolling onto his side to smirk at him, the beneath them has been crushed and crushed so that they've created a crater in it the rock dust is clinging to Derek's hair and it makes him look like a carpenter or something.

Even the mention of being hungry set's Stiles off venom fells his mouth and he realizes exactly how long it's been since he last fed.

"You look weak." Derek tells him, while his massive hand grabbed Stiles' face and thumb rubbing under Stiles' eyes. 

"I haven't ate since the first time." Stiles confesses voice sounding weird, due to the fact he hasn't done anything but moan and groan in the last week.

"That was three months ago! Stiles, why haven't you ate, you're at risk being so weak, I need you strong, I won't let you get hurt not now."  Derek said in a serious tone.

"I miss real food, I miss curly fries and milkshakes. I don't want to taste animal blood, seems to nasty. Plus I think the more I drink, the less human I'll be."

"What about Carlisle? He's been drinking blood for how long? He's still nicer than half the human I know." Derek countered. "Esme, is the most nurturing person I know."

"What do you miss about being human?" Stiles asked wondering that for the past few months.

"Tofu." Derek joked.

"Really? Of all the foods you miss it's tofu? God what do I see in you? Is it too late to change mates because I need to find someone else." Stiles said laughing trying not to think about Malia.

While Stiles laughed Derek whispered the word mate. Not that Stiles noticed.

"No it's way too late to change mates now, your stuck with me for as long as you'll have me." Derek laughed kissing Stiles' shoulder and moving up to his mouth. He moved be above him and his arms bracketed his head.

"I miss being surprised." Derek admitted after a few minutes of silent kisses between them.

"What?" Stiles questioned confused.

"The thing I miss about being human, is being surprised, now that I'm a vampire I can hear everything, see everything. I can guess how many jelly beans are in the tub in those carnival games but when I was human I didn't have all these heightened sense life was still a mystery and I had to go through it either being surprised or fighting to make whatever I want, happen."Derek says still above him.

"Wow, that's like the opposite of me." Stiles laughed. "I hate surprises one time, Scott threw me a surprise party, for my birthday. I walk in the house and Danny, a friend." Stiles added remembering Derek didn't know who they were. "And Parrish, jumped out from behind the door and yelled surprise. I ended punching Parrish in the face and breaking his nose." Stiles said wincing at the dull memory that appeared in his brain. Stiles didn't wanna say the rest, in case Derek got jealous.

"Then what do you miss about being human?" Derek asked just as curious as him.

"Well, I miss my dad, my friends." Stiles said truthfully, Derek moved to lay next to him. "Hell I even missed Isaac." Stiles said chuckling. "They were like my family." Stiles said.

"You've still got your family, Stiles. and now you got an even bigger one with us." Derek said kissing his neck.

"Yeah, I know, ig guess I haven't really gotten involved with them as mush as I could have. I think it's me just rebelling a little, that and shame." stiles shrugged once again feeling the ground shift beneath him. "Glad I patched things up with Malia." Stiles said, wondering if he should ask Derek  if he wanted to come with him to meet them.

"I am too." Derek said nibbling a bit.

"Yeah, yeah, you're just saying that, so we can have the sex." Stiles laughed at his joked.

"Come on we need to feed, and get clothes. More importantly we need to get off this mountain ledge before we snap it and cause a rock slide." Derek said before taking a swan dive off the mountain. Stiles rushed, jumping in after him, enjoying the feel of the drop, if he was human he's pretty sure he'd have a heart attack.

It was breath- taking. Well it would if he had breath.

Stiles ran in the opposite direct from where Derek went, knowing if Derek smelled human blood he'd go crazy, and Stiles couldn't drink Bambi. It just creeped him out. Instead he ran further south, trying to get as far as way from the Denali's coven,so no connection could be made. 

he finally was satisfied how much distance he put and stopped following a trail to see if he could find anyone. Easy enough a group of people were camping, sound asleep in their tent.

He made a quickly meal not wanting to wake anyone up and left before he couldn't control himself and he ended up drinking them all dry. He quickly ran back up to find Derek, knowing it would take a while to do so.

But surprisedly it didn't take more than twenty minutes. As soon as Derek saw him, his face changed. Not realizing it Stiles found a couple drops of blood on his chin still.

"Sorry!" Stiles licking it off quickly. But even then Derek look furious. "I didn't kill anyone! But I do have clothes." Stiles said smiling tossing Derek a pair of pants.

"No shirt?" Derek asked still putting the pants on.

"I think it's injustice to cover your body up."

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