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"Again." Stiles whispers, his voice coming out in a snarl.

"Maybe you should take a break." Jasper said bored.

"I'm fine." Stiles said barely glancing at his coach.

"I wasn't talking about you." He said looking at his brothers.

"Oh, my bad." Stiles said once he saw Derek panting trying to catch his breath.

Edward smirked at his brother appearance.

"Doesn't he have human blood flowing through him like me?" Stiles asked and only got a nod from Jasper. "Doesn't that mean that he should be strong like me?" 

"He's been a vampire for a year and a half now, so his strength is fading slowly." Edward said moving out of the way when Derek tried to hit him.

"Still stronger than you." Derek snarled launching himself at Edward, it was fun watching Edward dodge every punch Derek threw.

As that was going on Jasper walked closer to Stiles.

"How'd you learn to fight?" He asked looking at his brothers fight.

"I had to learn, bats only go so far."  Stiles said with the blurry memory of hitting the twins with a bat only to have it break. "Plus it was getting boring getting kidnapped." He said, he slowly started opening himself up to the group. "You?"

"I used to train new born, to fight." He said and Stiles felt he didn't want to get into that.

"What's the new house like?" Stiles asked.

"It's like this one, only now we'll be a couple miles away from close friends."  He said 

"The same friends that can tell what powers people have?" Stiles questioned.

"Yes, we aren't going to experiment on you." Derek said walking up o them with Edward behind him.

"I'm sure Derek would love to probe you though." Edward said smiling before he vanished along with Derek who chased after him. Him and Jasper just started walking back to the house.

"So when did you start liking my brother?" Emmet said appearing next to him.

"What crush?" He splutters, glad his blood isn't covering his face right now, other wise he'd be blushing. "I don't have a crush on Jasper. No offense, man, you have your features." Stiles joked.

"The one on Derek." Emmet said rolling his eyes.

"I don't know know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't." Emmet said laughing. "too bad, I heard he got a little gay crush on you." He teased

"I doubt he's gay." Stiles said rolling his eyes.

"He's gay." Jasper said, and if he were human he would've had a heart attack. "When you were human, your blood is also extremely appealing. Just Edward and Bella." Jasper said smirking at the younger vampire.

Derek couldn't like him, could he? Would they  even be good together.? What if they got together then broke up? He wouldn't  be able to live with the Cullen's anymore.

"i don't think he does, maybe if he did then we could go out find a polar bear to drink. But I think we're both a little unpredictable to be doing anything serious." Stiles said because he wouldn't mind hooking up with someone, especially not Derek. "Wait I thought Esme was the matchmaker?" Stiles teased and starting running as quickly as possible to the house, racing them.

That night he just thought of one person, Malia. And one emotion, Guilt


"Why are you hiding up here?" Derek asked looking at him curiously leaning against the solid wooden doorway of the attic. It was the room he claimed when they moved into the house.

"I'm not hiding." Stiles said looking down at his phone.

"Your heart might not beat anymore, but I can still tell your lying." Derek said unconvinced.

"Im not hiding, Derek." Stiles said putting his phone away.

"Sure you're not. You just said hey to the Denali coven and all but ran back here." Derek said with a shit eating grin plastered across his face and it makes Stiles want to bite the fucker.

"I wanted to unpack." Stiles lied.

"Yeah, cause you're so busy with sleeping and all your other commitments to unpack whenever." Derek smirked again making Stiles wanna punch the smile off his face.

"Anyone ever told you, you're a dick?" Stiles asked smiling politely.

"My sisters." Derek says, this time instead of a huge grin, he sees a small smile on Derek's face. He didn't say anything about it because Stiles knows that smile wasn't supposed to be seen by him.

"Glad I'm not the only one." Stiles smiled sadly feeling sorry for Derek's loss.

"You freaked out Eleazar." Derek said jumping on Stiles big leather sofa.

"I didn't even shake his hand! How the hell did I freak him out?" Stiles asked confused.

"Your power." Derek answer like it was obvious.

"It's a shield! Bella has a shield." Stiles shrugged.

"Apparently your gift is 'a strong one', one of the strongest he's ever sensed, and the guy was in the Volturi." Derek said with a smug smile.

"Great." Stiles said sarcastically.

"You're cute when you try to act tough." Derek said his tone dead serious but his eyes suggested he was playful.

"I'm a vicious vampire." She said giving a little snarl for good measure, only to make Derek laugh. He then winked at him.

"You should've stuck around, you missed all the werewolf drama, and your power data." Derek said.

"Werewolf drama? Aren't you technically a werewolf?" Stiles joked. "Power data?" 

"Bite me, Stilinski." Derek said rolling his eyes but smiled. And Stiles was tempted too.  "Yeah, apparently Eleazar didn't get the chance to say what it was because Seth got a crush on a wolf, only to find out she had a mate. Well not that kind but a pack mate."

"Who?" Stiles asked sitting up in his recliner.

"Tanya found a girl and a guy, traveling a couple miles away stuck out in the snow." Derek shrugged. 

"You don't like talking about relationships do you?" Stiles asked catching his mood.

"Not really, in my human life I got betrayed every time, now if I like anyone I just surprise the feeling." Derek said looking away from the ceiling.

"I get that love sucks, I was obsessed with this one girl for since third grade, well that was until I met my girlfriend..."He said and didn't finish the rest of his thought.

"Sorry." Derek said, his voice cracking a bit

"It's fine, like I said I would've died regardless. Plus now I can do stuff I couldn't before. Bonus I look a little bit better." Stiles said.

"Remind me to get you a mirror for christmas." Derek said.

"Whatever, sourwolf." Stiles said rolling his eyes.

"Sourwolf?" Derek asked. "Couldn't come up with anything better?" 

"Whatever, you're just mad, I have more powers than you." 

"Maybe, we never know if you don't face them." Derek countered.

"I don't know them." Stiles said playing with his hand.

" 'I'm a vicious vampire'" Derek quoted rolling his eyes while standing up.  He grabbed Stiles hand dragging him out of the room in vampire speed, and Stiles doesn't register it because all he could think about is Derek holding his hand.

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