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I tried to do some digging on this Michael Weiss but Barry insisted I get ready to go to dinner with them instead. I really wanted to focus on my work, but he looked at me with those pleading eyes and I couldn't say no. He smiled excitedly and texted Iris, saying he would come get me at seven.

"Allen, I can drive myself," I laughed. He shook his head.

"No you don't understand. Look, we've been friends since middle school- well, we've known each other that long," he corrected after seeing the disbelieving look on my face. "I've never done anything so gracious to you, the only thing I've ever helped you with was the bullies on the playground. You saved my life, Arielle. I don't even know how to begin to thank you," he looked at me with gratefulness and I put a hand on his arm.

"How about by treating me to that dinner tonight then? I saved you, now you save me a few bucks. Even steven?" He laughed a bit in response.

"Getting there."


Back home I got ready for tonight. Iris said it was going to be a nice restaurant, so I put on a tight blue halter-top dress that matched my eyes with a pair of small white heels. Second guessing the color, I threw on black ones instead. My hair was pulled back at the top, sporting a half up/half down style. I wore minimal makeup, since I never really liked makeup anyway.

I picked up the sticky note with Barry's number on it and sent him a text that just had my address in it, saving his number.

Barry: ?

Me: It's Ari. Since you wanted to come get me and it's a quarter til seven I figured you could use my address..?

Barry: Oh! Hey, yeah I'll be there soon (:

I smiled back at his little smiley face and sat down, kind of excited for some reason. I mean of course I was excited, Barry was awake and that's what we were celebrating. But he had been acting so odd, and for some reason he also seemed to take interest in me. It was particularly weird since I knew for the longest time he was in love with Iris.

I sat in thought longer than I thought, hearing a knock on my door that startled me. I scurried to open it (as quickly as I could in heels) and looked at myself in the mirror next to my front door. Then I glanced out the peephole and saw Barry looking around at my house in awe. I startled him when I opened the door.

"Hey! This is a great place you've got here," he greeted me. I looked at his attire- nice jeans, loafers, a white button up shirt and dark blue pea coat jacket. I shrugged at him.

"Not gonna lie, I'm a trust fund baby. Don't exactly know who's trust fund baby I am, but I know I am one," I laughed awkwardly. He had a look of realization, probably remembering meeting my foster parents at some point.

"Oh, hey- I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Oh no it's okay, I brought it up. It's not a sore spot or anything," I waved it off. I looked at Joe's car and laughed, realizing Barry didn't have a car and just borrowed Joe's. But where was Joe and Iris...?

"They're already at the restaurant," Barry answered my thoughts. I wanted to come personally pick up my savior though."

"You aren't going to let that go, are you?" He shook his head.

"Just wait until somebody saves your life, see how much you want to just shrug that off," he winked and opened the passenger door for me.

It was a quiet ride there, besides the occasional comment Barry threw out due to something that caught his eye or crossed his mind. He would just go into full babble mode, and honestly it was adorable.

We arrived at the valet and Barry handed the keys over to valet, putting a hand on my lower back and guiding me to the table Joe and Iris sat at. When they saw us they smile and waved, getting up to hug us.

"Oh my god, you look amazing," Iris complimented and I returned it, pointing to her simple but fancy little black dress with matching heels.

"You clean up well, Murray."

"As do you, West," I smiled at Joe.

All three started engaging in conversation and I just watched patiently, not wanting to intrude. Scanning the menu, I found what I was going to order right as a waiter came over. After everyone ordered I looked up to find three sets of eyes on me.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No," Joe laughed. "We would just like to collectively thank you for helping save Barry. If you hadn't found him, we don't know who would have. He was already there for what, an hour when you found him?" I nodded, thinking back to that night.

"Yeah, you mentioned you were already on your way up there anyway. Why was that?" Barry asked. As I was about to answer, Iris got a phone call, excusing herself from the table and stepping outside. I looked at Barry and Joe.

"Can I trust you?"

It's Like Thunder ⚡︎ Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now