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"So we found a way to get Thawne back to his own time. You're still on the mend, so I won't bother you with all the details just yet, but we set up a plan with a machine where Barry can send him back to his future." I looked up at Cisco, still weary from my near death experience. Water wasn't making me any better and I still felt so weak.

"That's good, Cisco. Any luck finding out why I am not getting better immediately from the water bags?" I coughed and winced at the pain. Cisco looked like he was ready to cry again.

"No, we've been running all sorts of tests but don't know what's wrong. I don't get it. It must be from you changing the timeline. I am not sure how this instance is affecting you when the last one didn't. But... I don't know," he shook his head. I breathed out a long sigh.

"Well how about you update me on what happened while I was out? I swear, I need to not be out cold for days at a time whenever this stuff happens. I could miss something important like-"

"Me getting married?" Caitlin popped up flashing a ring on her finger. I still felt like shit, but I widened my eyes and my jaw dropped.

"No way girl, Ronnie came back? And you got married? And I missed it?!" She grinned and nodded. I had a loopy smile on my face and reached out to take a closer look at her band. It seemed to not be a real wedding band, but something put together to look like one from afar. My quizzical look made her answer my unspoken question,

"It's not real, this is what we could do on such short notice. But it was really beautiful. Stein, Joe, Iris, Eddie, they were all there to support us. After we get Eobard back to his time we plan on going on a honeymoon." I smiled up at her, so grateful she was getting her happily ever after. "I just wish you could've been there as my bridesmaid." I let out a small frown and teared up,

"I would have loved to have been your bridesmaid. I'm sorry I was out for so long," I sniffled a bit and sighed. "I can't believe this happened in the few days I was out cold. I seriously need to stop being unconscious for days at a time. I get left out of everything cool," I joked.

"Yeah right, you goof," she laughed. I felt peace in the moment, and I even started to feel a little better. A little less sore; a little less sick. "Hey, your vitals are getting back to normal. You already feeling better?" I nodded shakily.

"I don't want to jinx it, but yeah. I think I am starting to feel a little better."

"Finally," Cisco came over to check the screen which showed my readings. His relieved facial expression turned puzzled. "Why all of a sudden, though? Did you feel anything happen in the last few minutes?" I shook my head 'no' and shrugged.

"Where did Barry go? I can't seem to feel him," I murmured the last part as I looked around the Cortex and tried sending him.

"He is off talking with- well, that's actually one of the things we needed to catch you up on. Remember how we said we might assemble a little team?" Caitlin started unhooking wires from me and spoke to me with side eye.

"Yeah, but that was supposed to be for what we thought would be the big fight. It wasn't anything too bad, though, so I thought we weren't going to call them in." Caitlin stopped working, which I now realize was her just trying to keep busy, and sat down next to me on the med bed.

"Well, we ended up calling them anyway since you were out. We have Firestorm, the Arrow and Diggle, and Felicity also showed up." I slowly nodded as she listed them off.

"Too bad we don't really have any other good metas to be on our side. Especially since I have a really bad feeling something awful is going to happen," I started to sit up and swung my legs off the bed next to Caitlin. She pulled me up by my chin to get a good look at my face, feeling my forehead and cheeks as I felt them flush from the head rush. She gave me the okay to stand up and helped me over to the main desk of the Cortex.

It's Like Thunder ⚡︎ Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now