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"So, we meet again." I looked up to see two figures on a dimly lit street on a bridge. One was glowing a bright sea blue, and the other glowing a dark, murky gray. I couldn't move or say anything, so I assumed I was partly self aware in some kind of dream. I couldn't even remember what was happening before this, I felt so disoriented. "How's it feel knowing you're going to die, Ceto?" She spit out the name with a harsh 'k' sound so strong she could've been french.

"Pretty great, since I don't believe in anything you and Psycho tell me at this point," the blue figure retorted, voice so familiar yet so estranged from my brain.

"It's Psykik," the other dryly called out.

"Says the sidekick," Ceto muttered with a laugh. I couldn't feel anything water wise around, so I figured this dream trumped over my powers. "Why are you even doing this, Lethe?" It suddenly clicked in the back of my mind that I named myself Ceto, so this must have been my enemy. It wasn't hard to guess who that was at this point. "We can help you. Psykik can't do anything for you; he's only ever lied to you." I saw Ceto- me- step into the light of a lamp to reveal myself but in an entirely different suit that Cisco made for weeks ago.

"You're lying," Lethe defended, unwavering. "I've been loyal to him from the start, he wouldn't lie to me-"

"Oh, like about what really happened to Turmoil and Minerva?" I had no clue who that was. Psykik? Minerva?

What kind of dream was this?

"Shut up!" Lethe shouted and she launched herself to Ceto, landing a hard fist to the face that I could almost feel. "He said you'd say these things. Why should I trust you?"

"Because- if you come with me, I can show you proof that all he's ever done is lie to you." Lethe's eyes, now in the light of the lamp where Ceto once stood, were burning a bright green, now wavering certainty flickering in them.

"How?" she asked after a long pause. Ceto relaxed from the fighting stance she held and reached out a hand.

"Just come with me. Please," she breathed heavily, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. Lethe stared at her as if she was considering it until her whole demeanor changed, and she called upon the rivers below us all to come up and crashing down on Ceto. I flinched, covering my face before realizing I wasn't affected at all. There was a hissing sound and I saw something on the ground that Lethe must've thrown.

"No!" I tried screaming, the hiss of the ticking bomb coming to a sudden stop.


"Psst, babe. Wake up," I heard as someone nudged me awake. My eyes shot open and I found myself sticking to a warm torso that radiated heat, adding to the cold sweat I was in after the night terror. I calmed my racing heart with Barry in my sight and relaxed.

"Morning already?" I yawned and unstuck myself from my boy- person, Allen's torso. I rolled onto my back and stretched, opening my eyes to see him shake his head no.

"The movie ended a little while ago. But I could tell you were having a bad dream, so I woke you up." I would have shoved him for waking me up if he hadn't told me the reason. I shuddered thinking of the premonition-like dream. I looked to my left and took a sip from the glass of water I noticed next to me. Then I sighed and shrugged, not meeting his eyes.

"I can't help it. I went through something traumatic. My subconscious is going to torture me about it for a while." He nodded and stared at me.

Slowly he reached over and pulled me in, us both now having a drastic difference in body temperature (because I cooled myself down with the water). He turned off the tv and set his head on the pillow next to mine, throwing an arm over my waist and hugging me. I heard him sniffle and I turned my head to see little tears falling down his face.

"Oh sweetie, why are you crying?" I cooed and wiped the tears away.

"I've seen the things you've gone through. It's horrible. And I just let that happen. I swear, I'm never letting you out of my sight again," he murmured, causing a smile to form on my face. Before I could respond he leaned forward and kissed me, closed mouth but full of emotion and warmth. I melted into his arms and felt the electricity quite literally run through my veins.

"I love you," I immediately said after pulling away without thinking. I covered my mouth and stared at Barry's twinkling eyes, a small grin popping up on his face.


"I mean- I'm not totally sure. I just know how you feel about me and you make me feel cared about and loved. I can't help but feel myself reciprocate the emotions you're feeling," I spoke while tracing the smile lines on his face. He kissed me on the forehead and held me close.

"I love you. I'm here for you. And I'll do my damn hardest to keep you safe," he swore to me, and I knew full well he meant it.



It's Like Thunder ⚡︎ Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now