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Within the hour, Barry and I were on our way to Starling with the intentions of detaining and questioning Minnie- Minerva. We grabbed our suits and changed into them, since we didn't want anyone in ARGUS figuring out our identity. John and Oliver got a head start on us but we figured we were going to beat them there anyway.

"You doing okay?" I heard Barry yell over the wind as he ran. I nodded my head, not wanting to waste my air talking. I had stored some water in my suit to help stabilize me as he ran me to Starling. It took almost two hours for us to reach it. By the time we finally stopped I was nearly out of water to stabilize off of.

"That took way too long, Allen," I coughed out. Barry kissed my forehead and whispered to me,

"I'm sorry, babe. I'll take more pit stops next time," he cooed.

"You didn't take any!" I protested, laughing.

"Hey, I could tell if you were doing fine or not. I would've stopped if I thought you needed it," he promised. I believed him. I finally took some time to look around at where we were. We seemed to be underground somewhere, and the room was dark. I saw green lights everywhere and a display case that showed a green suit in it. I turned in a circle to get the full view of the place when my eyes landed on a small blonde woman sitting frozen behind a computer.

"Hi," I waved awkwardly and she waved back.

"Hi," she squeaked. She looked over my shoulder and relaxed. "Barry? Oh thank God it's just you," she laughed, relieved. I looked between the two as they walked forward to each other and hugged.

"So, how do you guys know each other?" I asked. Barry turned his focus back onto me.

"It was right before the accelerator accident, actually," he started to explain. "I came here without Singh's approval," he made a scrunched up face and scratched the back of his neck.

"What? God, Allen, if you hadn't almost immediately gone into a coma I swear you would've gotten fired," I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Yeah, I know. But I was working a weird case with them is all. Took the train home and that night got struck by lightning. I woke up and Iris told me you visited," he turned back to Felicity and she nodded.

"You're my little geeky friend I bonded with in less than a week. I had to go visit my coma geek, boy space friend who has super speed," she said all in one breath and awkwardly punched him on the shoulder.

"Heh, ow," Barry was awkward in return and rubbed his shoulder. They both started blushing.

"Am I missing something?" I asked. He looked torn.

"That's for another day. Right now we need to focus on the task at hand," he told me. I searched his brain for the answer but he was avoiding it so well I couldn't tell what was wrong. I was hurt that he would keep a secret from me, but let it go for now.

"Took you guys long enough," Felicity said to the two men behind us.

"This is Lyla," John introduced to me, and I shook the woman's hand. I stared at her from under my mask.

"Hi Lyla, I'm Ceto." Oliver shook his head like he didn't like my name. But at least I wasn't named after my weapon.

"Lyla. Flash," she acknowledged him like they've met. I suddenly felt left out because of everything that happened the past two months. "You have word on my old partner?" I nodded.

"She's located in the ARGUS base between Central and Starling. We were hoping you could get us to talk to her. She probably trusts you," I assumed. Lyla nodded. "In that case, we kinda need you to get close to her. Minnie, who now goes by Minerva, is possibly part of some secret group plotting against us right now, so we have no idea how she'll act," I added.

It's Like Thunder ⚡︎ Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now