Chloe probably went running for a good reason, so I should follow her. I run to the boy's dormitory entrance. The whole building is pretty much destroyed. Chloe got in there somehow, but I can't find where. The door to get in has been completely crushed, and the whole building has collapsed. "Chloe!" I wait for a few seconds. No response. Whatever she went after must have been really important for her to just leave me without saying anything, and she's taking the risk of going into a building that has completely collapsed. I wonder how she got in. She must have went in, right? There's no where else she could have gone. It sounded like she went running this way.
"Oww, fuck!" I hear a voice say from a distance. Sounds like Chloe, and it's coming from the top of the ruined building. I start to climb up the rubble and make my way to the top of the pile, trying not to get cut or anything on the way up.
"Chloe?!" I shout. "Chloe, where'd you go?" I look around from the top of the pile. I don't see her anywhere. It's kind of a nice view from up here. It's not as tall as it was originally, but it still stands pretty high.
"Max? Over here!" She shouts. Thanks Chloe, but "over here" doesn't tell me where you are. I can always follow the sound of her voice though.
"Chloe, say something. Anything."
"Uhh, ready for the mosh pit Shaka Bra!" She shouts, mocking me. I can imagine the smile she has right now. It sounds like she's in front of me somewhere. I walk towards her voice.
"Keep talking." I shout back. "I need to follow your voice."
"Uhh, ok. I really don't know what to say...ummm, yeah. Chloe Price is hella great. Chloe Price is hella great! Chloe Price is hella great!!" She keeps repeating that last sentence over and over, getting louder each time. She is still in front of me. I walk towards her voice still, and it's getting louder, though, that may be because she's getting louder herself.
I see Chloe. She's sitting down, holding her knee. I rush over to her. "Chloe Price is hella gre-hey Max!" She says while looking up at me. She has a scrape on her left knee, a pretty bad one at that, and a smile on her face. It's a smaller cut, but it looks painful. "I have something amazeballs to tell you!"
"We have to make sure you don't have tetanus or something first. How did this happen?" I ask.
"I slipped and fell while chasing someone! That's the big news Max!" She says while using a lot of hand gestures. Who could have gotten Chloe to run after them?
"Do you know who it was?" I ask.
"It was Rachel! I swear I saw her! I mean, I knew we saw her, well, you know, but I really don't think it was her in there. She's still out there, chasing her dreams of being that model!" She says with a big smile on her face. Is Chloe going crazy? Rachel is gone. We saw a bodybag, but we didn't look in it. We just assumed it was her.
"Chloe, I don't know..."
"It was her, Max! It has to be. I saw her..." She says while looking down. "...Max, I miss Rachel." She starts to cry. I get down next to her and wrap my arms around her.
"It's alright Chloe. I'm sure she's with us, somehow." Maybe she is helping us. You always hear of spirits guiding people and stuff, and it's not as hard to believe now, because if I can time travel, then a lot of things that seem impossible, may very well be possible.
"You know, Rachel was always interested in weird spiritual stuff." She wipes the tears off of her face with her sleeve. "She was very curious, and sometimes, late at night after drinking a lot of beer, she would get really serious and ask me what the meaning of life was, and what do you think happens after we die, just stuff like that. Of course, the drugs didn't help with that. Whenever we got really stoned she would start to get really curious about what happens when people die, and wonder if there was a god up there. I could tell those questions were always on her mind, even when we weren't drunk or stoned. I think that's what lead to her doing crazy shit, like hardcore drugs and hooking up with people like Frank." She looks up at me. "Maybe she is guiding us somewhere. I don't know if what I saw was her or not, but it really did look like she was right there." I believe that Chloe saw someone, but I don't know if I believe it was Rachel. Things have been too crazy this past week, I think Chloe and I are just super stressed.
"...We should probably get you patched up." I say breaking the silence.
"Yeah, it kinda stings." She says as some blood quickly falls down her leg. It just occurred to me that we don't have anything to actually patch her up with. "Umm, Max? Unless you carry bandaids in your pockets, we don't anything to patch me up with." Well, I guess she realizes that too. "It's not that bad." She says while trying to get up. "See?" She says as she fully stands up. Her wound starts bleeding very quickly.
"Uh, Chloe?" I say while pointing at her leg.
"Oh shit, Max! That's bleeding really fast." She starts smiling. "I can barely feel it!" That's definitely not a good sign. And it's bleeding really fast. We need to find something to stop the bleeding. We are on top of the boy's dormitory, maybe there's a shirt or something in there. But how am I going to get in there?
"I'm going to try to find you a shirt or something to wrap around your knee, ok? Do you know how to get in there?" I ask.
"No, I didn't go on there. When I saw Rachel, she started climbing up the rubble, so I followed her. She ended up running away off the building and I tried to catch up, but I tripped and cut myself, as you can see." Her knee stops bleeding as fast. I should probably get something before it starts again.
"You just sit up here and try not to hurt yourself." I say while starting to climb down.
"I never get myself hurt, at least not that often." She yells down to me. I poke my head up at her.
"Oh really, what about when Nathan shot you, and when you ended up shooting yourself, and when you got stuck on the railroad tracks, and when-"
"Wait." She says cutting me off. "When did I shoot myself?" I stand there and stare at her with wide eyes. I forgot that I never told her that she shot herself in the junkyard, and I had to rewind.
"Uhh, we can talk about it later." I say back. I don't have time to explain that to Chloe, she's bleeding. I climb the rest of the way down and get on the ground.
"Max!" She yells
I sigh. "What, Chloe? I have to go."I shout back.
"Where did I shoot myself?" Chloe, I'm busy. I don't have time for this right now. I walk over to the entrance of the boy's dormitory, though it isn't much of an entrance now. How can I get into this mess of a building? I guess I'll have to think like I did when Chloe and I were at the barn. We couldn't use the front, we had to use the side, so I guess I could check the sides. I rush to the right side. Hmm, it all looks pretty compact, but I may be able to move something to get in.
There's a loud crashing noise coming from the left side of the dormitory. "Hello?" I shout. I wait a few seconds, but there's no response. I could open up a way to get into the building from this side if I tried, or I could go see what's happening on the left side. Chloe's probably still up there, so it couldn't be her. Maybe it's an animal or something. Maybe there's another person.
Go through right side/Investigate left sideIf you go through the right side, go to chapter 15
If you investigate the left side, go to chapter 16

Afterwards: A Life Is Strange Fan-Fiction <A Choice Story>
FanfictionTHIS IS A CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE STORY: You get to choose how you want things to go, Just like in the actual game. "This action will have consequences." In this story, it will. What happens after Arcadia Bay is destroyed? Max Caulfield and Chloe...