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"Chloe, calm down. Just take a deep breath and start over." I say. She breathes deeply through her nose and exhales quickly through her mouth.
"Ok, so when she was saying she had that bad vibe, I felt it too. It just felt terrible, like I was gonna be sick or something. What she said about something bad happening, I think she was right."
"You think so? I thought you didn't think she was serious." Because she laughed and all.
"Max! This is serious, you have to listen to me! What are we going to do?"
"Well, if you really think we're in danger, we could always go to a police station. That's a pretty safe place."
"Not always Max...Not always." She repeats. I don't do anything illegal, so I should be good, unless time travel is illegal. I doubt it is though. She starts the truck and drives onto the road.
"You haven't been arrested here, have you?" I ask.
"Nope, so I don't know where it is. I'm assuming this small town has a police station." She stops at a red light. "You know, I'm kinda hungry. How about you?"
"Yeah, I could eat." I guess we can just get something on the way. It's better than nothing.
We turn into the parking lot of a large white building."This is it-I think. If it isn't, then that sign back there was lying."
"Pretty sure the sign isn't going to lie to you."
"Hey, all kidding aside, I hate cops. I hate police stations too. I know we should do this, so I'll try to be polite and shit, but I thought I'd let you know." I'm sure your stepfather doesn't give the best reputation for the police either.
"I can do most of the talking then." I say.
"That would probably be best. I would end up telling these assholes about my Anarchist beliefs." I have a feeling that when she says 'telling' she means show them, and I don't want anyone to get hurt. We get out and walk into the station. It's smaller on the inside, or just it looks that way. We walk into a lobby looking area a see a man sitting behind a counter in front of us, just writing stuff down. Chloe sits down in one of the chairs and motions me to go talk to him. I go to the counter and he looks up.
"Hello there young lady, what do you need?" The man looks to be in his forties. He has a brown handlebar mustache and is a little heavy set.
"Hello." I say happily, even though I don't feel super pepped at the moment. "My friend and I, we may be in danger." His eyes widen.
"Really? Well, it may be better if you two stay here for a while." Chloe walks up next to me. Oh no, this can't be good.
"Hey so, I had this bad vibe, and I just felt like something bad was going to happen to us." He just stares at Chloe.
"You just had a vibe? So you two aren't in any danger?" He asks bluntly.
"Yeah we're in danger! Well, maybe, but you don't understand! My friend here can time travel!" Oh Jesus, he probably thinks we're high on something. He looks at me.
"Your friend, can time travel?" He starts to laugh. "Are you two serious?" He becomes really serious. "If you two come in here and try to prank us again, you'll be in serious trouble, got it?" He goes back to writing. I think he exaggerated that a little.

Afterwards: A Life Is Strange Fan-Fiction <A Choice Story>
FanfictionTHIS IS A CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE STORY: You get to choose how you want things to go, Just like in the actual game. "This action will have consequences." In this story, it will. What happens after Arcadia Bay is destroyed? Max Caulfield and Chloe...