It only makes sense that Chloe goes in. She has a metal bat, and she's not afraid to use it. "Ok, I'll stay here and wait. Good luck." She turns around and makes a 'rock on' sign with her hand and sticks her tongue out too. She starts quietly walking towards the darkroom. Classic Chloe, not afraid of anything. But we don't know who's there, so we should be cautious. We don't have any bullets for the gun, but if Chloe wanted to she could seriously hurt someone with that bat. I stand by the big metal door and watch Chloe disappear into the darkroom, which is literally dark. The power must have went out. She probably can't see anything.
"Unghh damnent!" A voice from the darkroom says. It's a male voice, but that's all I can really tell. I can hear Chloe walking faster. A lot faster. Almost at the speed of running.
"Take this, asshole!" She swings and, from the sound of it, hits the person. "Max, it's ok to come in now." She says panting a little. I jog into the darkroom. I can see Chloe's blue hair amidst the darkness, so I go to it.
"Chloe! Who was that?" I ask.
"I think it was Mark. See if you can turn on the lights." I rush over to the wall by the entrance and feel for a switch. Nothing. I move my hands along the wall some more. There you are. I flip the switch upwards and light quickly fills the room. "Jesus!" I hear Chloe say. I jog back over.
"Oh my god Chloe! What did you do?!" There in front of us lays Nathan. His head bleeding out from a direct hit from the baseball bat.
"Max, I swear to god I thought it was Mark! I thought he would try to hurt us." Oh no. Nathan wasn't actually bad. He was just being used by Mark. I have to rewind. I can't let this happen. Nathan doesn't deserve to die.
Go back to chapter 6
Or, continue if you don't want to rewind.(Continuation)
"Max, aren't you going to rewind?!" She practically yells at me. I stand there still phased by what Chloe just did. She just killed someone. "Max I-I didn't really want to hurt anyone. I thought that whoever was in here might hurt us and-I don't know." She says really fast. I think Chloe's panicking. I don't blame her though, she just fucking killed someone."Chloe, what are we going to do?"
"I-I-I don't know Max." She sounds like she's about to cry. "I need a cigarette." She pulls her pack of cigarettes out and takes one. "I'll be outside." She says solemnly. She walks out of the darkroom with the cigarette in her mouth. Now I'm standing in the darkroom by myself, with a dead person laying on the floor, which is covered in spats of blood. Should I rewind? Chloe did just kill Nathan, but knowing Nathan, he's unpredictable. He could have killed us if he were alive, because he always carried that gun around. The gun. Maybe he still has it. I slowly bend down to Nathan's body.
"Poor Nathan." I say quietly. Even though he tried to shoot Chloe and Warren, he was still a good person deep down. He did apologize to me. I search around in his pockets. No gun, but what's this? I feel a cylinder shaped object in his right jacket pocket. I pull it out and, it looks like a pill bottle. It reads Haldol 5mg. Wonder what Nathan took this for? I flip the bottle over. Under the part titled "Notes" it says: Prescott, Nathan - psychosis & bipolar disorder. I could have guessed he had some sort of mental disorder. If you pull a gun out on someone as soon as you get a little pissed off then I think there's something wrong with you. He was so quick to violence and had drastic mood swings. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who could have guessed that he had something going on. After seeing his dark and creepy room and his deranged photography style, I can't believe Victoria didn't even have the slightest thought about Nathan being a little crazy. I'm sure Victoria was in his room, knowing her. I put the pills back in his pocket.
I stand back up. I wonder where David and Mark went, or what even happened to them. They must have left a while ago, I would assume after the storm. But I hope Mark didn't hurt David. I look down at Nathan again. I wonder why Nathan was in here to begin with. Mark must have tried to kill him, because that's what he told me in that message. It would be the only thing that makes sense, unless David did that to him. I don't know. All I know is he's dead, and if he were alive, he may have hurt us. I walk out of the darkroom and up the stairs to the barn. I creep up the stairs quietly and look at Chloe, who hasn't heard me yet. She's standing in the doorway of the barn puffing her cigarette, staring off into the bay some ways away. I walk over and stand next to her.

Afterwards: A Life Is Strange Fan-Fiction <A Choice Story>
Fiksi PenggemarTHIS IS A CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE STORY: You get to choose how you want things to go, Just like in the actual game. "This action will have consequences." In this story, it will. What happens after Arcadia Bay is destroyed? Max Caulfield and Chloe...