Chapter Five

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Drawn To The Enemy: Chapter Five

My heart feels incredibly heavy in my chest as I return to consciousness. My lips feel chapped, and even though I know I was in my dark daze for a few hours, I feel exhausted still, as if I had went days without sleep. My arms begin to sting when I move them, and I feel surges of an electric shock - similar to when your leg or foot falls asleep - pulse through them.

"Ow," I mutter under my breath, squeezing my eyes shut again. I tug, but my wrists are constricted - tightly bound to one another under the restraint of something rough. Rope. I don't have to break my neck looking back from the chair I'm in to know that's what it is.

"You just won't give up, will you?"

His voice startles me, but I don't jump. My heart is doing that for me. It speeds up to an uncontrollable, unnatural, rate. I inhale some. I can feel my heart throbbing, and I know that if I respond, my voice is going to waver. I wouldn't dare expose my fear to this man. What's his name?

It doesn't matter. I need to get out of here, I know that much. I just wish I knew how.

Mentally I beckon for Liana to talk to me, but she doesn't answer and I feel further defeated. I breathe out a sigh and drop my head weakly. "What do you want with me? You obviously have no intentions of killing me - or you would have already done so being the ruthless Alpha I sense you as."

"You're hilarious, my dear Mate." He tells me bluntly. His voice is dry. Blinded by closed eyelids, I can still feel his translucently brown ones peering down at me.

"Tell me the purpose of you keeping me like this." I want to sound firm, but I know my voice is everything less of it.

"You can't sit there and deny the connection you feel towards me."

"There is no connection. Point, blank --- period." I tell him, opening my eyes. He takes a step closer, and kneels down in front of me. I follow his body, watching him hold his hands up to his chin, his palms connected. He breathes in. His gaze is cold and hard, and I imagine he takes me for a joke. "Where is your Pride?"


"But you're alive,"


"Where were you during their slaughtering?"

"That's none of your damn business."

"It is now - seeing as that you were caught trespassing over my territory. Speaking of, why were you on my land again?"

"You mongrels are the cause of their deaths and I came to avenge them."

He smirks. "Mongrels?"

"Yes. You dogs."

"Watch your mouth there, Kitty. Don't you wanna be free?"

I feel my eyes dilate as I stare at him. My body slumps over in frustration. "Kill me or let me go. Two simple options. It's not that hard to choose one."

"Oh no, Darling." His warm finger touches my chin and he lifts my head up until our eyes fixate. "You see, those two, aren't options. They're just what you want to happen."

"What are you talking about?" I squint my eyes.

"Why would I let you go? So you can go around pestering others like the clueless cat you are? When you murdered two members of my pack? Your grief over the loss of your Pride must have ran off the intelligence they say those of your species posses."

I open my mouth to speak, but his disgusting nails capture my tongue. As if his scent wasn't pungent enough. The taste is even worse. What a mutt.

"And don't even think death is a consideration for you, little one. Need I mind you that we are mates?"

"We aren't shit," I growl after barely missing his fingers when he retracts his hand to avoid the clamping down of my teeth.

He pushes a few strands of my hair away from my eyes. "This is your home now. Get used to it. I'm sure the other wolves won't mind a pet roaming around the house."


"I'm not staying here." I hiss.

"You have no choice. Get comfortable, and listen to your Alpha." He grips my hair and yanks my head backwards, edging closer until his hot breath is making my ear tingle and my body go numb. "Kitten."

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