Chapter 1: Found

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I found her on the street, cold, wet, and going blue. I picked her up and carried her to the tour bus. She was a small thing, about five feet tall. As soon as I opened the door the guys crowded around us.

"Guys, give her some space. I don't know who she is, but she was just lying in the street, I couldn't leave her alone, she had blood pouring out of her arm so I ripped a piece of my shirt of and tied it around the wound. See?" I lifted her arm to show them.

"Maybe we should get her to the hospital," Jake said.

"Ok, that's a good idea. I don't know if she's hurt anywhere else," I said.

We drove to the nearest emergency room and I carried her in. I walked up to the front desk and a short blonde nurse looked up from her work when I got there.

"Hi, her arm is badly injured, and I'm not sure if there's anything else wrong," I said walking over to the desk.

"Um, ok. What's her name?" She asked as Jinxx, Jake, Ashley and Andy walked in.

"Um, we don't know. We found her-well I found her out in the rain, passed out. And she had no ID or driver's license, not even a wallet," I said as a nurse came with a wheelchair and took the girl.

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