Chapter 15: Baby Names

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~*~*~*~*~*KAIA'S POV~*~*~*~*~*


When I woke up this morning, I suddenly realized that we didn't have names for the babies yet. I rolled over and tapped CC on his arm.

"Christian! Wake up!" I whisper-yelled.

"Hmm, what? Is the house on fire?" he mumbled, still half asleep.

"No, but I'm leaving you," I said, just to get him up.

"What?" he turned over almost immediately.

"I'm kidding, but I just remembered, we don't have names for these little rock stars yet," I said, kissing him on the nose.

"Damn, scaring me like that," he grumbled.

"Sorry babe, I just needed you to wake up! If you want, I can make you breakfast!"

"I have another idea," he said with a smirk.

"Oh, I know what you mean. Alright, but after this we're going to talk about baby names, okay?" I said as I pulled the covers off.

"Okay, thanks!" he grinned.


"Okay, can we talk about names now?" I asked, laying back on the bed.

"Sure, umm, lemme think," he started making this cute little face that he makes when he's thinking.

"Ooh, I got one! Eric Dillon," he said, snapping.

"Eric Dillon Mora, I like that!"

"Okay now, you want to pick the other?" CC asked, rolling over and sitting up.

"Well, do you want a junior?"

"Oh, no, no, no! He needs to be an original, just like me!" he laughed.

"Hmm, okay I have a few,"

"Go ahead," he said, leaning on his elbows.

"Bronson Carter, Nolan Jefferson, Owen Tate, and Jason Fletcher. Have any clue which on you like?" I asked.

"I like Bronson, but it's kinda weird. Just like me! Okay, Bronson it is!" CC giggled and brought his face to mine for a kiss.

"I love you Kaia."

"I love you more!"


"Not lies!"

"Oh fine!"

"Yay! I like being the winningest girl around!" I yelled, then kissed him.

"Well, I could beg to differ," he smirked.

"Sure you could," now come here," I said, pulling his face close and then we engaged in a full out make-out session for about 10 minutes.

Finally we broke and I got up to get dressed. With twins, my stomach was getting bigger faster. I needed a whole new wardrobe already! What should I expect later on? I don't know yet, but this'll be a bumpy ride.


Here's just a little chapter to keep you...uh, here's just a little chapter. So, if you have any ideas whatsoever, private message me. Or just comment. I kinda have something I want to happen...but if you have any ideas I'd love to hear 'em. COMMENT, VOTE, & ENJOY!

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