Chapter 8: Are You Serious!?!?

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~~~~~~~~~~~CC'S POV~~~~~~~~~

I was driving us home when this car just rammed into us head on, causing me to black out. I woke up in the hospital and I have no idea where Kaia is. I need to know she's safe.

"Excuse me! Nurse!"


"Where is Kaia Queen?"

"Oh, um, I don't know how to say this... she's in critical condition. Her arm was severely damaged and will need to be amputated. You have those cuts, gashes and bruises, and your nose too, so you can't see her just yet. We need to make sure you're OK."

"My nose?"

I looked into the mirror and saw my bandaged head and broken nose. I looked at my arms and they were bandaged too.

"But nurse, can't I jus-"

"No, I'm sorry, we have to run some tests on you first. But we called her parents and they're on their way," she said coming over with a clipboard.

"Wait, what kind of tests?"

"Oh just to see if you have any memory loss or things like that. OK? "

"Yeah, I guess," I sighed.


**********JINXX'S POV**********

"I'm sorry, but it looks like your daughter will lose her arm. If you want, you can see her. She has been heavily sedated because of the pain, but if you like you can go see her," the doctor said to us.

"You know, we haven't known her for long, but it feels like she's a majorly important person to all of us. Even though CC found her on the street over a month ago, it feels like we've known her forever," I said looking into Sammi's eyes.

"Yeah, I know. Do you want to go see her?"

"Yeah. But I wanna go see CC first. Can we?"

"Yeah, let's go."

We walked to CC's room. He looked pretty bad, I can't imagine what Kaia looks like. At least Hannah wasn't in the crash. That would've been way too sad.

"Hey Jinxx! Do you have any candy on you? I haven't had any in hours!"

"Haha, no buddy. I just came to see how you're doing."

"Well, if I had candy I'd be better," he said pouting.

"Come on dude, be serious!"

"Jinxx, do you realize who you're talking to? You expect me, Christian Coma, to be serious? What planet are you on? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Even with a banged up head he still is the same annoying CC we love.

"Sigh, I guess you're right. So, how are you feeling?"

"Terrible! I need to see Kaia. I need to know she's OK!" CC started crying.

"It's Ok dude, trust me," I said, patting his back.

"No, dude, I can't even imagine how hard this'll be for her. It's hard on me already! Jinxx, dude, just go tell her it'll be ok since I can't. Will you?"

"Yeah, I will," I said getting up.

"Bye Jinxx, bye Sammi! I'll probably be out in a day or two. Go see Kaia for me," he said with a tear falling down his cheek.

We went over to the nurse's station to find out where Kaia is, and we started walking.

"Sammi, how do you think she'll be? You know, with only one arm?"

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