Part One - Chapter 3

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Part One

Chapter 3


"Allie wake up!" A familiar voice rips me from my sheets and throws me on the floor. I scream and kick the air. Jim stares down at me already dressed in his button-up and black tie. He looks frustrated by the way his lips twist up and eyes squint down at me. I huff and sit up.

"Why'd you push me on the ground?"

"Because it's 8:30 and you weren't up."

"It's...?" I look towards my alarm clock, which didn't go off this morning. Jim wasn't lying. We were going to be late if we didn't leave within the next 10 minutes or so. I scramble from the sheets around me and push Jim out of the way.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"I'm not your mother." He watches me hop from my dresser to my mirror to my closet and finally to the bathroom, pulling on pants and a bra and shirt. As I'm brushing my teeth, he sticks his head in the door, startling me so much that I start choking on the toothpaste. He fake smiles.

"I'm leaving."

I curse under my toothbrush and look around the bathroom for anything I could grab and apply in the car. I end up grabbing my hair brush and mascara, deciding this will have to do for today. I had no one to impress at work anyways.

In two minutes, I'm out the door and hopping into the car just as Jim reverses away from the house. I don't say a word as he whistles in satisfaction at my hustle, watching me from the corner of his eye as I put my shoes on and attempt to tame my hair.

What a good way to start a Friday.

We roll up into the parking lot and sure enough we have to park in the furthest available spot. Jim finishes off the song on the radio before looking at me with a small smile. I raise an eyebrow at him and unbuckle myself. I'm sure I looked like I've been to hell and back, but I didn't need Jim's confirmation.

"Can I help you, Halpert?"

"Who's car is that?" He points to one behind us and I don't care to turn around to look. I roll my eyes and grab my stuff from the back (where I keep my coat and a binder with all my papers for the office).

"I don't care Jim. We're late! Let's go!" I shove his shoulder and he only sends me another close lipped sly smile before joining me outside the car. We make small talk for a few minutes on the elevator, our voices and giggles lifting above the strange buzz the small space made. Jim went on to tell me his plans for another prank today for Dwight, which immediately brightens my day and gives me a little something to look forward to.

Our steps are synced as we walk through the door, and I look up to smile at his last joke, when: "Allie! Jim!"

The deep voice made me stop short and both Jim and I look ahead at Paul. He was holding roses (again) and a new basketball in the other. I must've froze because Jim nudged me and we both walked closer numbly. Why was Paul here? At my workplace? Out of nowhere, the cameras are on us and I blink over at them before facing my date again.

"Uh, hey Paul." Jim speaks first, shoving his hands deep in his pockets and rolling back on his heels slightly. Paul's appearance has attracted most of the office, or at least all of sales. I swallow hard and plaster on a smile, reaching for the roses reluctantly. Paul looks over my shoulder and waves awkwardly.

"Whatcha doing?" My voice sounds squeaky. He smiles too easily down at me and steps between Jim and I to give me a side hug. He turns me to the side so I'm looking towards Pam. Her eyes are wide and jaw dropped. I make a strange face before Paul's flipped me around to look at him again. Jim returns to my side after dropping our stuff off at our desks.

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