Part One - Chapter 5

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Part One

Chapter 5


Jim leans all the way back in his desk chair and lets out a very long breath, a whoosh of air that is our signal for him being completely done with his work and wanting to go home. Fortunately for me, I've been using a pencil as a drumstick while scrolling through celebrity gossip pages. Pam giggles behind me. I don't even have to look over my shoulder to know her and Jim are making faces at each other.

I stand from my desk and switch off the computer, waiting for the screen to turn black before looking at Jim expectantly. He's already up out of his seat and grabbing his coat and bag from underneath the desk. In fact, everyone was starting to stand and head for the doors. Even Michael is at his door watching people leave. I don't think I've seen Kevin walk so fast--outside of running for food.

I scrunch my face up at Jim. "Why does it seem like everyone is running out?" I mutter under my breath as we walk towards Pam's desk together for our jackets. Roy enters the room as soon as we've reached for our coats. Jim's back straightens immediately and he watches quietly as he walks to Pam smoothly and hangs over the desk to talk to her almost too close.

"Jim, I asked you a question."

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry."

"It wasn't a yes or no question. Idiot." I roll my eyes, wave slightly to Pam who isn't paying attention to us now that her fiance was here, and tug on Jim's sleeve until we were away from the engaged couple. I look up at Jim who still hasn't said anything about my question or my insult.

His face is droopy with little emotion. But I know Jim well enough to notice the way his eyes stay focused on the ground or straight ahead, his lips don't form the usual bent tips, and his shoulders aren't straight. I frown as I realize how seeing Pam and Roy together must be terrible for him. He did seem madly in love with her, at least from what he told me last night on the way home from work. And it was so obvious...

The car ride home is silent. Some odd alternative folk band was playing on the radio and Jim reached out to turn the sound up a few notches. He still had the same sad look on, and so I didn't bother him any more about the party tonight and the details he still hasn't cared to ask me about. I stared out the window, watching Scranton fly by, and wondering where Paul lived and why he would invite complete strangers (even the camera crew) to his party tonight. I couldn't put a finger on it, but the idea seemed very random and strange. Nobody I knew would have the guts to do it. Either this party was large enough that he didn't have to introduce himself to everybody personally, or he really was just a weird guy.

Jim turns the music down again when we pull into the apartment parking lot, grabbing his bag from the back and not meeting my wondering gaze as he gets out from the car. I bite my lip and watch his retreating back disappear through the door. I wait a couple seconds before following him in.

I hadn't noticed the night before, but the apartment was clean. It was usually orderly and cleaned once every weekend, but last night was a Thursday and the vacuum was left out, dishes fit in the dishwasher, and even the bathroom located as soon as you walked in still had bleach left out on the sink. I hesitate. Jim cleaned most of our place without me asking and in the middle of the week...on a work day? That seemed overly enthusiastic.

"Jim?" I call out, tossing my keys in a bowl and hanging my jacket up. We meet each other in our small kitchen, on opposite sides of the island that seemed to take up too much space. He raises his eyebrows and places both hands in front of him. "Did you clean up last night? It looks great."

"I did. Thanks." And like that he's turned around again and headed for his room. I round the corner and try to say something more but the door is shut. My fists curl and I huff. He was driving me insane today. At this point I wasn't sure if I even wanted him at the party. He would be with Pam all night, I wouldn't mind, but would he even want to talk to me? I would be with Paul, but still. I thought he was trying to get past his protective behavior.

My back pocket buzzes. Pam sent me a text asking if it was okay to bring Roy tonight. Otherwise she wouldn't be attending. I bite my lip and look towards Jim's room. Is it better to have her there and with Roy the whole time than not have her there at all? Should I ask him? I knock on his door once.

No answer.

Again. No answer.

This time I basically slam my fist against the wood, and he whips the door open in surprise. His hair is a mess and pushed all over the place, the first few buttons of his shirt undone, and his pant's zipper unzipped. I raise one eyebrow in question. He doesn't seem to notice.

"Do you want Roy there?"


"You heard me."

"Of course I don't."

"Okay, then Pam isn't going."

He looks at me seriously. I didn't even consider how he might not want to go if Pam wasn't going. He doesn't go to many office gatherings if Pam or I wasn't there. Maybe for an hour but...

"Oh. Want to take the car then? I'm tired tonight."

"Don't lie to me, Halpert." My chest pinches and I take a step away from him. Were we lying to each other now? He doesn't lose eye contact, just watches as my whole expression goes from concerned to hurt and shocked. His own expression is blank, showing little emotion.

"If Pam isn't there, I don't want to be."

"And what about me?"

"You can take the car, I said." He looks over his shoulder to his dark room. The only light is coming from the window through the closed blinds.

"But I'm going."

"You'll be with Paul."

"You're right." My words get caught in my throat and I squeeze them out, letting them fall flat in the air and deadpan to the floor. Jim's blue eyes follow the words and suddenly his clothed toes are the most interesting things in the world.

"Well alright then." I bite my lip harshly and look at Pam's message. Should I let her know Jim isn't going? Or is he only not going because Pam won't be there? So in that case, if I let him believe she isn't going, he won't go? I type a message to her and hit send, my heartrate hitching up a tad.

Jim looks up to me and I give him one last longing look--if only he'd share his feelings. I could give him advice, or at least give him a shoulder to cry on. We've been best friends for years, but now he's acting as if we hardly know each other's deepest secrets.

"Allie..." His words drift off. I hear him anyways and stop to look over my shoulder, wanting him so badly to spill the beans. He doesn't, only forcing a smile and telling me to have a good time, shutting the door to his room a little too loud. 

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