Part Two - Chapter 7

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Part Two 

Chapter Seven


Though Jim never explicitly mentioned him moving on from Pam and me, I was still surprised when he asked if Karen could come over for dinner tonight. I'm not going to lie, I was way more shocked than I should've been, and Jim had to rush and try to suggest a restaurant they could go to instead. A month or two's passed since the merger and after Andy's temper put him on a leave of absence, Karen was the only one from her branch still working at Stanford. Now I knew why she'd want to stay and why Jim's been walking on eggshells around me the past two weeks or so.

"It's okay, promise." I smile reassuringly and lean away from the kitchen counter, bringing my mug with me. His smile is weak and he seems nervous, taking a long gulp of orange juice.

"Do you like her?"

Jim tossed the rest of the juice down the drain and looked over his shoulder at me. His eyes softening and gaze holding my own. It was unsettling in the best way, and my stomach flips on itself.

"We've been going out for a while. You haven't noticed?"

"What do you mean?" He fully turns and I hide how flushed my cheeks have become with another sip of tea. For some reason, my eyes trail over his shoulders and chest, which I knew he's been working out. He looked fuller and I was suddenly very jealous of Karen. I meet his eyes again and he's smirking.

"What?" My voice is innocent, trying to play off the fact that I was checking out my roommate and best friend.

"Your face is red."

"Yeah, well, the tea is hot." I look into the mug at the dark liquid surprised to see I'm almost finished with it. I shrug and make eye contact again. He's staring at me with a weird, almost nostalgic, look on his face.

"I've been out of the house a lot more," he clarifies and continues with the previous conversation.

"Oh... I guess ESPN hasn't been on as often as it usually is." I grin and he chuckles.

He sits and I finish my tea. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk towards the sink and rinse it out. My mind is hazy as I try to sift through the many emotions I've been feeling, searching for the ones I used while we lived together before the merger--when things were more simple. I wanted to be the best friend he needed and that I knew I was. Supportive of his new girlfriend. Okay with getting closer to her. But every time I thought of her, a twinge in my chest made me want to cry or push her into a well.

"Well, why doesn't Karen come over around 7? I'll have most of the dinner prepared by then."

"I was just thinking take-out."

"Chinese?" I flinch and look up to him. We were only two or three feet apart but I could feel his body heat from here. He was still gazing at me with round knowing eyes.

"She loves that place down the street."

My heart sinks and I force a smile. Did he forget I didn't like Chinese?

"Okay, you guys can have the house to yourself. I'll go out tonight."

"With who?" His voice jumps reminding me of his earlier possessive behavior when I spoke of other men. My wide eyes find him and his expression softens. He clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck.

"I'll ask Michael," I grin at him and he smiles small. We meet at the edge of the kitchen when he facepalms himself and groans. I raise an eyebrow as we walk to my room, stopping so he has a chance to explain.

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