Part One - Chapter 6

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Part One

Chapter 6


Every light was on in Paul's house. The front door was propped open too, loud music spilling into the streets as a multitude of people drifted in and out of the mansion. I recognized a few of my coworkers' cars as I found my own parking spot, dredging up the small hill to get to the house. Toby sat on the porch swing with a beer in his hand. I stopped and smiled small. Nobody really liked Toby much, but he was nothing but professional and considerate to me, buying me lunch a few times 'just because' and once even a small figurine for my desk which was quickly destroyed by one of Jim and Dwight's antics.

"You all good?" I ask. He nods and stands quickly, coming over to me from across the porch. Suddenly, there's an unopened beer in his left hand that I hadn't noticed before. I purse my lips and accept the offering.

"The music is loud." I note as we step foot into the first room. I can see his lips moving but I can't hear his soft voice over the music. I just nod and excuse myself, hoping to find Paul in one of the many rooms full of people.

How did he know all of these people? Paul had mentioned having two roommates, something I wasn't bothered with given my living situation. Never had he hinted to the fact that he lived in a mansion and had so many connections. This house party had a lot in common with a club--flashing lights, loud rowdy music, and girls in short dresses and skirts dancing on boys who've had too many drinks.

I weave through the many rooms, passing through the entrance, to the living room and family room, finally finding the kitchen. It was bright and normal for a change. The countertops weren't littered with trash as I expected, given the amount of people here. Instead, more beer and liquor was lined up across it, and two trashcans at either side of the room, both recently emptied. No one else was in the room.

I sigh and hoist myself up onto one of the countertops after pushing aside some beer bottles. I hadn't even taken a drink from the one Toby gave me. I find the clock on the wall while rubbing my temples, thinking I should just leave if there was no sign of my host. Plus, I hadn't found anybody else from work, and Pam and Roy probably wouldn't make it. The clock read 9 PM.

"Hey! You made it." A wide grin greets me from the other entrance, holding boxes of pizzas. Paul dressed in a sleek button down with the top few buttons open, exposing the tan chest underneath. I hop off the countertop and reach out to help him with the pizzas, finding space to set them down. Once he set out some napkins and paper plates, he slung an arm over me.

"When'd you get here? Sorry if I missed you. My roommates decided to make me party mom tonight." He chuckles and presses his lips to the side of my head, causing me to blush and a content feeling to put me at ease.

"Not too long ago. You never told me you knew this many people," I joke. He smiles and lets me go, taking long strides around the kitchen, attempting to show off his muscular figure. Grabbing a beer, he spins around and holds it up to me as an offering. I graciously accept and lean next to him.

"These are mostly Josh and Turner's friends. But I'm glad you're here."

"And Josh and Turner are your roommates?"

"Yes." We fall silent and sip from our beers. People belt the lyrics to the song just outside the room.

I can't help but to wonder what Jim would do if he were here. He wasn't into parties but he might've asked me to dance to one song, then realize you couldn't tell when one ended and the next began, grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the backyard, where I'm sure another couple was making out or arguing, so then we'd go to the front, and maybe sit in our car if there was somebody else already out there.

But Jim wasn't here.

And Paul was being pleasant. He had to leave once every 15 or so minutes to restock the beers and clean up after everyone. Once, Meredith stumbled in with a younger man with a scruffy beard. Both were obviously drunk but seemed to enjoy the attention they received from each other. I didn't have the chance to say anything to Meredith as she lazily poured each of them a drink, and then they fell through the opposite door.

It was coming up on midnight and I hadn't danced one song. In fact, I've been between the kitchen and the entrance, meeting people that came through and helping Paul with more pizzas and liquor. Not what I expected to do at a house party, yet I was still there for him, and I would've felt guilty if I had said hello and then ditched my semi-boyfriend to go dance with random strangers.

I check my messages, seeing Pam had sent me one telling me Roy was keeping her in tonight (figures... Jim would've been here if I had known this earlier), and a few missed calls from Jim. My heart jumps in my throat at his name on my phone. We didn't call or text much unless we were in trouble or just needed an excuse to get out of something. After a few moments of staring at the screen, I shrug it off. I'll call him when I'm in the car heading home. Speaking of...I should find Paul and congratulate him on a successful party.

I wait in the kitchen knowing he's due for a walk through. Judging from the music still blasting from all four corners of this place, not many people have left, and new faces keep drifting through the kitchen for beers and alcohol. Each time the door swings open, I look up from texting my mom and Pam, hoping to see Paul or someone I know. I don't.

A couple minutes turns into a half hour. Suddenly, I feel very, very pathetic. All night I've been assisting and following Paul around, a man who I just started dating and had no obligation to help with tonight at all. While I was stacking pizza boxes and throwing trash away, I was also fantasizing how Jim would handle this crazy huge party. And, I had only spoken roughly 30 minutes to Paul besides where the trash was and where he wants the beer bottles. Tonight had not been fun. I a grown woman, and in charge of my own happiness; I'm not waiting for Paul anymore.

I snatch two beer bottles from the counter and march through the masses of people, all bumping and grinding, one man even grabbing my hips and bringing me to him. When I finally make it to the front door, I spot the back of Paul's head bobbing next to a smaller woman's petite figure. I don't bother saying goodbye and burst through the entrance, smelling the crisp night air, and cringing as I realize Jim is standing on the first step of the porch with Michael and Dwight at his side.

I halt so fast, I nearly land on my ass. Luckily, my knight in shining armor (not), Paul Hansen has just arrived and caught me from behind. 

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