Part Two - Chapter 5

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Part Two

Chapter 5


The kitchen smelled like the takeout Chinese food Jim always used to order on those days when he was too tired to cook, but still had the energy to fling rice around when Michigan State dunked on one of his favorite players. I've never been a big fan of Chinese, mostly because of the smell, but I didn't have a problem as I shuffled into the living room after my burning shower. Jim was leaning all the way back in his chair, the cartridge of food balancing on his knee.

His head tilts back and he snores, completely ignoring the awful ESPN talk show on.

"Jim?" I saunter over and stare down his open mouth, cringing as another snore rips through. We were going to be late for work if he didn't wake up soon. It was the first day of the merger between the Scranton and Stamford branches, and Jim had thought it was a good idea to stay up all night enjoying the cable sports that he didn't have to pay for until next month. It had been weird having him here the past few nights, I had grown accustomed to my lonely nights watching Mulan and Toy Story on Disney Channel while drinking shitty cheap wine.

"Jim, wake up," I nudge him with my foot. He doesn't stir, only closes his mouth.

"Jim, you're annoying," I say, going to slap him hard. He smiles and grabs my wrist before I could swing, simultaneously grabbing the Chinese and standing. I glare up at his smile and wait for him to let go of me so the thrumming of his touch died down.

"Michigan State won," he sings songs. He drops my wrist and tosses the Chinese carton in the kitchen trash, smiling at me again to pass into his room. I roll my eyes at his retreating back. The orientation Michael had planned for is going to be less than pleasing, and no matter how many times I asked him to not show the video he prepared, he insisted it would 'make the day.' Yet, I still had notes to prepare for him and rearrange a few things in his schedule. I promised myself that over the weekend I would finish what I needed to, but Jim had appeared at my front doorstep and practically begged me to move in again, having not found a desirable place around the area. I was too busy juggling my mixed emotions of his arrival with paying bills and making sure Jim was set up to help pay with rent and other utilities to deal with Michael's unprepared self.

When Jim meets me in the car, he's wearing his usual. Button down with a tie and a slightly different hairstyle; he's still smiling like an idiot, swinging his bag over his shoulder and sitting down in the passenger seat. We make eye contact and I raise an eyebrow, wondering why he was so giddy to return to such a dysfunctional work environment.

He shrugs, doesn't say anything, and turns the music up as I pull out.

"You're late, Allie," Dwight clenches his teeth as the two of us walk in, another man from the Stamford branch by Jim and me's side. Our casual chat stops short as Dwight stops us at the front desk. The lady sitting at the front desk was hired after Pam moved; her name is Julia, and she was in her mid-40s and totally Michael's type...which was unfortunate for her.

"Hey Dwight," Jim chirps, waiting for his old desk mate to notice his existence. Dwight nods coldly at him, releasing a cordial hello. I excuse myself from Martin Nash and Jim, walking around the three of them to my own desk.

As I set my stuff down, I glance towards Michael's office. The door was open but my boss was nowhere in sight. I purse my lips nervously and pull out my notes and the rest of the presentation Michael needed. There's a list of people from the new branch, one I've already met--Martin Nash, working in Supplier Relations. Looking around the office, it looked like two others have already arrived. A beautiful woman with straightened dark hair and olive skin sits with Phyllis and Stanley, pushing objects around her desk and clicking through her computer. Another woman is older with short reddish brown hair and a sweater on. We make eye contact and I smile kindly at her. She smiles thinly.

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