Chapter One

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~Five Years Ago~

'After Finding The Girl Who Changed My Point Of View On The Whole Meaning Of Love. I Truly Was Happy. I Never Wanted It To End.. The Feeling. But Happiness Can Only Last So Long. After Losing Her I Never Thought I'd Get The Same Feeling Again. Ever. She Saw The Real Me And Not The Monster Everyone Else Sees Me As, Including Myself. She Saw So Much More Then That. She Was The First Love I Ever Had In Life. And Just Like That She Was Snatched Away From Me By Death. People Say Everyone Has That One Person For Them.. She Possibly Was The One And Only Person For Me. Or Was She? Is There Another? Will I Have A Second Chance?'

"Sir The Prisoners Are In Custody Now" A soldier said standing in front of me.

"Good. How many?" I asked

"Only Two Sir. The Rest Were KIA" He told me

"Get them to the interrogation room" I told the soldier

"Yes Sir" he said before turning to do the following orders.

"Pathetic" Felix muttered as he walked in back from the battle field

I glanced over at him with a slight glare.

"The enemies... they are all pathetic" he chuckled as he whipped off that knife of his with a small clothe.

"Oh but that girl we captured along with her partner in crime, yeah they put up a good fight" He added shrugged it off

"Felix.." I mumbled as i headed for the doors

"Oh come on Locus, lighten up." He chuckled as he followed behind

I let a sigh of annoyance out.

"Its been three years..." Felix brought up

"Why do you keep bringing it up" i asked thrown off by his statement

"Because ever since she died.. you just haven't been the same" Felix told me

I let a sigh before turned back to walk towards the door.

"Forget it..." I muttered before walking through the doors

"Locus. Oh come on Locus.. you cant just not miss her" Felix said catching up to me now walking beside me.


"She was a bad ass, how could you not miss her?! Like remember the time when she knocked out that asshole with one punch, oh or the time she got you drunk off your ass... Oh that time when she took out that full squad of soldiers all by herself. Now that was one of my favourites" Felix went on and on, his face lightening up just talking about her.

"Oh! Or the time-"

"I said forget it!" I snapped at him

Felix's face dropped. He opened his mouth about to speak again... nothing. He was chocked up. I scoffed at him before walking down the hall holding my rifle in hand.

[??'s PoV]

"Sit down!" The asshole of a soldier shoved us towards the unsettling grey metal chairs.

"Move it!" The other pushed me towards the chairs.

"Fuck. I am.. don't have to push" I muttered

"Don't talk back you bitc-"

"Ohhhh bite me" i scoffed

He then turned me by my shoulder and threw a hard punch to my eye. I fell back down on the ground and grunted a bit, feeling the blood and heat rush to my eye.

"Hey Asshole! That was uncalled for! She doesn't need to be abused while in handcuffs" my partner said looking dead in the eye at the man who hit me.

"Its fine Jack.. I'm fine" I reassured him as i got back up to my feet.

"Add- Marks... your eye" Jack said looking at me with sympathy.

"Don't look at me like that.." i mumbled to him.

He bit his lower lip looking at me for a moment.

I hate it when people look at me with sympathy.... makes me feel like I'm hurt, defenceless, helpless, like a fucking child... I'm no child

"Move it! Or she'll get another" the asshole shoved me against

Both Jack and i walked towards the chairs taking a seat side by side. The two soldiers looked at the both of us for a moment or two. Then turning to walk out of the room. I let out a sigh then before anything else could happen a guy in black and green armour walked in followed by a guy in grey and orange armour.

"Well Well Well..." the orange guy spoke up first as the green stood across the table that was in front of us.

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