Chapter Three

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[Felix's PoV]

She tried looking to the side not wanting to look me in the eye. I smirked before sighing.

"Look at me" I mumbled


"Look at me... you bitch" i say more angrily

She sighed before looking me dead in the eye. Her green eyes slowly starting to go red from the few tears.

"You know I always had a thing for blondies" i smirked

She pulled away from my hand looking away. I chuckled at her actions. I turned to her partner who was on the ground. I walked over to him and grabbed his arm pulling him up from the ground. I pulled the chair and pointed at it. He scoffed before taking a seat.

"Now talk" I ordered her

"Who sent you" I muttered

"No one" she scoffed with an eye roll

"Are you fucking kidding me? Do you want me
To hurt this prick more?" I asked out of frustration

"Nobody sent us!" She shouted at me

"Oh. Oh yeah you and your fucking squad of men just decided to attack our ship just for the fucking hell of it, yeah that seems about right... im not playing your fucking games. You talk now" I angrily said to her slamming my hand down on the table.

She turned looking at me now with her green eyes staring with anger.

"No one fucking sent us" she muttered

I pulled out my knife pointing it in her partner's direction. Her eyes went from anger to fear.

"No one sent us! For fuck sakes. Our fucking commander doesnt even know we left!" She shouted at me

"So what the fuck are you doing here" i asked


"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Are you really not gonna talk?" I asked her

"Your men have something my men dont have" she mumbled

I turned to Locus and he was just standing on the other side of the small room observing the whole thing with his arms crossed. I let a sigh out of annoyance walking over to her, kneeling down to her level.

"Sir, you are wanted in the control room.. we found something you might want to see" A soldier barged into the room. Locus turned to him.

"Stay here" Locus muttered to me before following the soldiers. I nodded in response and turned back to the girl

"So your commander has no idea you left huh?" I question her

"He wanted us to stay... he didn't think we could do it..." she told me

"Clearly he was right, look where your disobedient ass got you" i smirked at her

"Well thats what you think" she said looking me dead in the eye with a smirk.

"Now what do you mean by that" i asked sceptical

"Well you see... you just fall for the dumbest things.. your just as weak as these handcuffs" she said quietly still a smirk on her face.


[Mark's PoV]

I pulled my arms apart from the sides, hearing the chain break into pieces falling onto the ground. My hands were now free from the handcuffs and by my side. i grabbed his face with both hands slamming the side of his head onto the table. Jack quickly got out of the handcuffs and went to grab the asshole's pistol he had on his belt.

I quickly reached for his knife and held it again him. I looked at him through his helmet. He had this smirk on his face. I angrily pushed him to the ground and kicked him on the side of his helmet. He grunted in pain getting angry.

Not too long later the alarms went off and i looked back at Jack. He nodded in response.

"Sorry Darling... my ride is here" i told the asshole who was on the ground.

Both Jack and i rushed out the door shutting it behind us. I lead us to the end of the ship trying not to be spotted by on passing soldiers. We made it to the back of the ship and Jack hopped onto the pelican of ours. I got up and turned my back seeing the asshole running after us.

The rear end shut as i walked over to my seat.

"Your late!" I shouted at our pilot.

"Yeah.. well we got caught up trying to get the package" she yelled back at me

"But the package is secure yes?" I asked

"Never doubt us" she laughed lightly

"Id recommend you to put your seatbelt on." She added

I nodded and walked over to sit beside Jack.

"One hell of a mission. Am i Right Addilyn" Jack chuckled

"Tell me about it... Sorry you got a few punches" i laughed

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