Chapter Four

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[Locus's PoV]

Once the alarms went off i headed to the control room. my soldiers all started rushing towards the wreckage. I went over to the cameras. I seen Felix on the ground in the room I left him in. I groaned in annoyance. Felix quickly got up and rushed out of the room. I clenched my teeth watching him, switching cameras every time he wasn't in shot. he stopped at the back of the ship. I let another sigh out. I turned and started heading towards the door.

I headed down the halls seeing my soldiers rushing around not knowing what to do. I ignored every on Going soldiers that attempted to speak to me. I made it to the back of the ship seeing Felix stare at the now gone prisoners.

"Felix.." I groaned in annoyance.

"I... i... I don't know what to tell you" he said with a sigh.

I walked over to him and stood as he was on his knees, still shocked by the whole thing.

"Locus...." he started

"She... she was..." he started

"Amazing!" Felix said jumping up causing me to take a step back.

"Well her getting away fucking sucked... but how she did it! And her as a person! Shes... shes... you know who shes like?... She reminds me of Kali" He said now standing right in front of me


I walked over to my room opening the door just to see Kali laying in bed. She looked up at me and gave me a sweet smile.

"So Felix stopped by... came to hang out" she told me

"Is that so?" I questioned as i walked over to her. She sat up on her knees as she faced me.

"Yeah... he was going on and on about the mission you guys just went on... saying how awesome he was... the usual" she smiled at me as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"The usual?" I questioned with a smirk

"Yeah... the usual" she laughed lightly as she gave me a kiss

~End Of Flashback~

"Felix" i growled

"W-What..." he mumbled back

"You let them get away" i angrily told him

"Oh but you should have seen her! Once you left the smirk she gave me, the change in mood, the tone in her voice. The whole deal, she gave me the same smirk Kali always gave" He went on and on about it.

"Felix!" I snapped at him

"That's enough..." i added with a sigh

It was silent for a few moments between us two. I turned to start walking.

"Uh Locus..." he stopped me


"Your not upset about the whole 'bringing up Kali' thing again are you" he asked


"Because if you are then maybe this girl could help out with that, and maybe you and her could-"

"Shut up Felix... shes the enemy... and you let her get away" i muttered

[Addilyn Marks's PoV]

"So Marks!" The pilot called from the front

"Yeah?" I yelled back in response

"Did you pull your on command tears again?"

"You know it! The dumbass totally fell for it. Even after the tears he believed all the bullshit i told him" I laughed

"Thats my girl" Jack chuckled

"Think WarChief will give you hell for letting us get 'captured' ?" Jack asked me

"Nah! I had to improvise, If we didn't then team B would have run out of time and we all would have been in handcuffs" I told him.


"Marks! Warlord wants to speak to you" Smith told me.

"Well..." i sighed putting my drink down on the table

"I'll see you boys later" I smirked at the table of my teammates.

"Have fun" Jack chuckled as i turned to leave.

I walked down the halls and to the head of the ship where Warlord... or WarChief. Aka my father was.

"WarChief" I greeted him as i walked into the room through the doors.

"Addilyn.." he said with a disappointing sigh.

"Look Warlord-"

"I dont want to hear it.... Are you hurt?" He asked

"No, well one soldier gave me a hit to the eye but I swear im fine Warlord" i told him

"Addilyn, you said you could do it.... show me your eye" he said

"Sir i swear im fine, and i did do it, we secured the package didnt we?" I questioned

WarChief stared at me with sympathy. And i hated it. I bit my lip trying to keep calm not wanting to yell or shout at WarChief like i did Jack. But it just angers me, never look at me with Sympathy. Just dont.

"Very well... dismissed" he said turning his back on me.

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