Eighteen - Cut Short

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We step off the Ferris Wheel, the nauseating experience I had as I was riding it for the first time was gone, and even though I enjoyed the time of sharing things with Luke, I was better off in doing that with my two feet on the ground, where I felt safer.

Right after the whole bombshell of having to know that the three of them used to be friends and together in the gang, he went straight on to the reason that they left. "It's not because there was a rule against being with the girl your brother is with and they were kicked out. They left themselves because they knew that it was completely wrong and that if they stayed, I might've done something that could get me kicked out. They still wanted me to be their friend but after that, I couldn't. I'm not even mad about the whole cheating process. I'm just mad about how they still betrayed me and never apologized for it. They just left."

I was in experience of what he was talking about. Seeing two people you trusted just fuck you over like you meant nothing to them was one of the absolute immoral thing people could do. Even though Cara and Jack did apologize, there was still no way I was going to bother to try and be friends with them. Seeing them made me relive the moment I caught them, the moment Jack made an excuse that he was drunk, and the moment Cara admitted they've been doing it while I was in a coma.

They even left Luke in a worst position than Cara and Jack did. At his past, they didn't apologize for anything they did and I still couldn't believe that my brother still defends Kelly up to this day. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that their friendship was getting toxic.

"I'm not trying to poison the well against them," he mentions after a few seconds we left the Ferris Wheel, quiet. "It's my own experience with them and I know that your brother's probably trying to be better since his own sister is back and could definitely kick his ass."

And in that painful memory of his, he still manages to put on a smile and make me laugh.

Nodding as a way to say that I understood him, he takes my hand again and leads me somewhere. "C'mon, last stop before going home."

It was a photobooth with a sign on top that says "PICTURE! PICTURE!" in neon pink, complimenting the black background and the hanging red curtain.

When I didn't say anything, Luke cocks a brow at me and smirks. "Too cheesy?"

"Definitely," I say, but I'm the first to step inside pulling the curtain back and sitting on the edge.

He sits on the other end, placing in cents he fished out of the pocket of his leather jacket, and pressing the red button in the center. The huge screen opens, and we see ourselves in the side of the camera.

I absolutely look ridiculous. We both do.

My makeup has worn off from him passing on the wetness of his hair besides for the rose-colored lipstick. Thank God, I'm still wearing that at least. He, on the other hand, has his hair and jacket were only half-wet, the humid air we've attained from the Ferris Wheel creating a dryer of some sort on him.

He runs his hand through his hair, pushing it all back. It's not disheveled; it looks like he just got out of the shower.

God, the thought of him in a towel, dripping wet—Okay, definitely not going there anymore.

The flash blinds me, and I close my eyes, definitely not expecting that. He gazes at me. "I think the first one is just you ogling me."

Rolling my eyes, I turn away, seeing myself on the screen and I smile at the camera but for him. The camera counts down form five and I still find Luke just plainly staring at the camera, without a smile, just with that smugness he puts on most of the time.

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