Sharing Your Feelings

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Have you ever felt vulnerable because you shared something so deep to someone that you don't even know how to act around that person anymore? That feeling of weakness engulfed you and yet, attached to it, is the feeling of relief. When you confess about a particular feeling, you become someone different in the eyes of the listener. They will tell you that nothing has changed but it has. You are even better. You are now even stronger because that emotion no longer haunts your mind...

When I wrote the first part of this article I was questioning myself a lot. I never got an exact answer while I chose to believe in the answer that is more healthy for me. I texted bits and pieces of it to my friends and I felt extremely relieved because after a while I shared something that was bothering me. It contains one whole year of frustration. Keeping all the hard feelings made me a toxic person. Emotions are beautiful, so don't contain them but deal with them in the right way. The right way is the way that makes you genuinely happy.

For a long time, writing was enough for me to deal with my emotions but keeping them in my notebook was another improper method of containing them and that's why I decided to share them online. Surprising as it might seem it didn't make me vulnerable. I feel more empowered. More than I did a few months back. Had I never written those words that left my pencil swiftly and orgasmically, I would not be the healthier person that I am right now.
As I learnt from my new favorite book, controlling my emotions is a prerequisite though. I had a fight with my mom a few days ago and I started yelling back. It made me think. Did yelling do any good? I needed to express my frustration somehow but yelling at an already angry person made me even more frustrated. It's about knowing when to express your emotions. I could have waited for my mom to pacify and then express my frustration. I am not saying everyone has to act the same way I would but I think the world would be a much peaceful place not if we contain our feelings and end up exploding with havoc but if we express ourselves in the right moment during the right situation.

One last thing that I want my 'self' or what I call my 'soul' to know is that life is full of storms that will unravel you sometimes at random moments but you have to remember better days are to come and go but most importantly they do come. Seize those good moments with a hard fist. Take the hammer with that fist and consolidate your Armour. Defend yourself! Let those challenges hit you but don't them ruin you. Repair your damages no matter how much time you take because in the aftermath, you will rise and be a much peaceful and 'happy' place. Yes, that word that is so rare. Just know, that word will come a real feeling...

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