Loving 'Someone'

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As I looked at that person across the room, all the beautiful thoughts start coming to my mind. And I wanted to continue day dreaming but I knew it was not healthy to do so because those thoughts would always be locked in my mind and never even come close to reality.

Talking about a crush constantly usually make you sound stupid. Because we don't need anybody else; we should be independent, self-sufficient people. Still, is it so bad to want affection, is it really pathetic? I really don't think so. We have emotions that need to be expressed into love. Containing them is what makes us weak. It takes a lot of courage to finally admit that a part of you will always be dependent on someone else.

Well, I have never been in a relationship. I really want one especially the sweet things about it. Yes, I said that I want a relationship and I still don't think I'm pathetic. Love. When I think of love I see friendship, drama, co-dependence, beach, holding hands and most importantly intimacy. Most probably that's because I watch a lot of old movies(because of the mixtapes they receive as gifts).

I no longer love that person across the room, but I'm sure I will find love.

~Loving Yourself ~

When we love someone - could be our siblings, friends, parents or partner - we have the tendency to do all sorts of stuffs to make them happy. We make so many compromises to satisfy that person even if it's not in our best interests. Cards are sent, sweet messages are texted and gifts are bought to remind that person how much we love them.

Are we willing to do the same things for ourselves? Putting your feelings first doesn't mean you are selfish. You should definitely care about the people around us including yourself. You are a person. You might tell yourself that 'I love myself'. But do you love yourself enough to put your own needs first? To be completely honest, I would say I don't love myself enough. I'm not saying that you should never compromise but maybe in any relationship, both persons should equally.

Have you ever gone on a date with yourself? It can be so awesome!! The whole time you are the only person you should care about. You have to worry only about your own feelings, happiness, you can can go eat wherever you want, eat watever you desire... I really think that's an example of loving yourself. No-one has to worry that taking time for yourself is selfish, wrong or to be ashamed about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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