Being In The Moment

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I was sitting on that rock and for a few seconds my mind was just calm. It was a moment of utter peace.  I realized that I didn't want to be anywhere else but to only enjoy my moment.

Have you ever felt like you are living your entire life for the future while you are missing out all the beautiful present moments? I have! While I agree that our ambitions and dreams are worth all of our hardwork, I also believe that we should take a few seconds out of it and live our life for the present. I remember that one time, I went out with my girl friends. We were in an extremely serene and beautiful place. Yet, I was actually engrossed in making plans for the next day. After a few days, I was looking at some pictures of that place and I realized that I forgot to BE there. In those pictures, I could see the waterfall flowing elegantly with the blushing of the leaves and the exciting sun so bright it appeared white. Why didn't I see that when I was actually there? Why couldn't I just be happy for a few moments and LIVE those moments?

For years, a part of me keep telling myself: 'I am tired of running! I am just so tired!' But I didn't listen...

Watching the movie, 'Dear Zindagi' made me question something: who am I competing against? Just because we want success doesn't mean we have to chase it as if someone else will take it. There's a success for each of us. Just because there's something to win, doesn't mean it's a competition. And I am not saying that we should remain stagnant but we should rather BE present.

A few months ago, I got this feeling of complete peace as well. I even wrote a poem about it to mark that day as a day when I was not running; a day when I was not chasing after something; a day when I could actually feel the breeze and listen to the trees whistling. Again, I didn't let go of my dreams. Instead they were more clear. My vision was right in front me and I knew what I had to do to achieve success. If you are living in the moment it means you are confident- confident enough to have your goals vivid.

Sometimes it's good to pause. To take a Breath! We are so consumed by what we have to do that we forget what your true self want to do. Life is not a race! Take a break from all the running and think again: why am I even running?

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