Fluttercord- Tea Party

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A/N- I just re-watched the season 6 finally, and it has my fluttercord juices going. WARNING: LOTS of fluff.{Also, they're in the pony world in this one}

Fluttershy was outside her cottage, setting up a blanket. It was Tuesday, which meant it was the day her and Discord were having tea and cucumber sandwiches. With the changelings being their friends, and the chaos that ensued at their last tea party, at Discord's, she was ready for a normal one. Only, what she didn't know was that Discord was meeting his friends to plan something.

"Well," said spike, as he sat around the dining table in the kitchen," if your trying to tell her that you like her, don't go big, you might scare her. She easily gets scared."

" Also, be honest, don't lie to her." said Cheese Sandwich, who was in town to visit his girlfriend, pinkie.

"Are you guys sure she'll say yes?" Discord asked, obviously scared. He had never had a crush before, and much less had never asked a girl out.

" We can't be 100% sure, but fluttershy is the closest to you, so who knows, she may like you too!" Spike said.

"Ey-yup" Big Mac said.

" Well, i have to get going, I told Pinkie I wouldn't be gone long. Bye guys, see you later!" Cheese said, heading out of the door.

" I'd better head to Fluttershy's, I have to be there soon. Wish me luck!" and with that, Discord teleported out of the room.

Fluttershy was standing outside of her cottage, when she was scooped up by an odd pair of arms.. "Oh, hello discord! I just finished setting up for our tea party. Did you bring the cucumber sandwiches?" She asked.

"Why of course, it wouldn't be the same without them! Speaking of, why don't we enjoy some right now?" Discord said, making the cucumber sandwiches appear.

"That sounds delightful!" Fluttershy said, stifling a laugh.

___One hour later___________________________________

Discord and Fluttershy had been eating the sandwiches and enjoying their tea. Discord saw Fluttershy yawn out of the corner of his eye, and decided that he needed to tell her, now or never.

"Hey Fluttershy, can I tell you something?" Discord asked said mare.

"Why of course you can, what'd you want to say?"Fluttershy replied.

"Well, I like this...person, and I don't know how to tell her."

"Oh..." Discord saw her frown, did she like him?," Well, I'd just be honest, and ask her out."

"Well, if that's what you think," Discord got on three limbs and held Fluttershy's hoof,"Fluttershy, will you be my special some pony?" He said, looking at her gasping face.

" YES! Of course!" She said, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

" Why, you missed!" Discord said, confusing Fluttershy. "What do you, MMPH!" Fluttershy had been interrupted by Discord kissing her on the lips.

" Oh Discord, what am I gonna do with you?" Fluttershy questioned, as Discord held her in his arms.

" Love me for eternity?" Discord said, setting her back down as they resumed their picnic.

A/N- Well, I hope ya'll liked that one, more to come soon.

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