Chapter 7

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Rose takes me to the concert and drops me off, I walk into the line which isn't that long because I decided to come early. I make my way to the front of the line and hand in my tickets "oh VIP so your a rich white girl right this way" the ticket person says rudely although I can't really blame her she has to deal with thousands of bitchy teenagers.

I make my way to the floor Infront of the stage, there are only about another 200 people in here so far so I walk right up to the front right Infront of the stage in the middle so I can keep my spot.

I stand there for about half an hour before people start piling in suddenly the floor is filled with thousands of teenage girls luckily I came early and got a good spot. Without warning all of the girls erupt into screaming and cheering including me!

As 5sos enter the stage the crowd is absolutely ecstatic I swear luke winks at me but It's probably just the light in his eyes. They walk to the front of the stage. "Is everyone ready for a good show!" Ashton yells while running across the front of the stage touching people's hands, mine included.

Luke turns and looks right at me like actual he stares right into my eyes and without taking his eyes off mine he says "we have the most beautiful fans, are you guys ready to Rock!" I look away and the boys get ready to do there first song.

*lukes p.o.v*

We finish getting ready in our dressing rooms then we all go out into the hall leading to the stage, our manager counts us on and when he tells us we walk out into the stage, My eyes are immediately drawn to a gorgeous girl in a blue dress in the front row I wink and her cheeks flush,whoops. Owell she's beautiful I turn to Ashton who's running across the front of the stage,

Suddenly it clicks in my head OMG it's Anna I turn back to her and stare at her for a little too long I think, I say something but keep my eyes Locked on hers after a while she turns her head and looks away a blush creeping up on her cheeks. I need to remember to get her number.

*anna's pov*

They start playing their songs some of their new ones disconnected and heartache on the big screen they play a set and then Luke speaks looking at me again ghee do I have something on my face or what, "we are going to play one more song then Im afraid the shows over" Luke pouts but then the music starts to play like sings while looking at me

"she's dropping outta school cuz she don't need the grades the colours in her hair don't seem to fade I get dressed up when I go out but she gets dressed down..." At the end of the song the crowd erupts into screams and clapping.

I look over to a gate with two guards standing at it with a line of probably only 20 girls, that must be for the people with VIP tickets, I walk over and join the line. There are other really beautiful girls some wearing hardly anything showing a little too much skin if you ask me.

I get to the guards and they ask for my ticket I dig around in my purse until I finally find it thank god for a second I thought I'd lost it. I walk through the gate and join another line at what must be the room the boys are in. They must be letting the girls in, in groups of 5 probably to keep things moving along quickly.

my turn must be up to go in because there are 3 other girls in front of me and one behind me left to go in, we were the last group two of the girls infront of me were barely wearing anything they must have came together because they had matching out fits ripped denim booty shorts and cropped tops that showed off there bras cough cough *sluts* cough cough.

The guards open up the door and let us in, Luke smirks and despite the girls Infront of me wearing practically nothing I can see his eyes raking up and down my body I start blushing and I think luke notices that I seem him checking me out because he starts to blush aswell.

He finally speaks up but it's directly to me not to any of the other girls me yeah that right luke Hemmings is talking to me not you suck it bitchez.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show up Anna" Luke smirks at me, omg he remembers my name. I can feel all the other girls getting jealous because they start to whisper to each other owell just cause Luke's paying me more attention.

Us girls talk with the boys for a while Luke asks me to take a selfie with him i laugh and agree i get in the photo and pull the funniest face when he snaps the picture he turns his phone around and giggles like full on giggles when he sees it

"still cute tho" he says while poking my nose, ok now take a nice one I smile and he snaps the photo he takes another and kisses my cheek I feel my skin flare up underneath his lips.

I see him put that one as his lock screen aww I'm proud I am luke Hemmings lock screen.

I nearly forgot there are four other girls in the room with me haha whoops well they didnt get to talk to Luke much shame. Well the guards that were standing outside the door came into the room

"boys times up" they looked at the boys and gestured for us girls to leave. We all hugged the boys I hugged luke last, the hug lasted a while and suddenly he pinched my butt my eyes went wide and I let out a little scream,

I felt my cheeks heat up and redden this has happened alot tonight. Luke says goodbye "can't wait to see you again Anna!" He yelled as I left the room.

I stood by the door for a second because I thought I heard my name and the door was cracked open a bit I know I shouldn't but I stood there and ease dropped.

"What the fuck was that Luke, you totally ignored everyone else in the room, you've been acting weird this whole day what is going on?"

I think I heard Michael say. I didn't know if I should be insulted or not.

"I know I've only known her for a few days but I really like her, did you see her she's gorgeous. I know I should be paying attention to the other fans but I can't get her off my mind"

That was definitely luke that time OMG luke likes me ok breathe. I know he likes now but that doesn't change anything I won't let myself to close not after what happened with my last boyfriend I don't ever want to feel that again. I hear people walking to the door so I scramble away before anyone sees me.

I go out the exit of the building and call rose to tell her I'm ready to be picked up. Rose pulls up and I jump in the car, "how was the concert?" She asks looking at me "it was amazing there so good and I got to meet them all and take selfies with Luke it was the best!"

I talk to rose a bit until we pull up at the house or should I say mansion, ill never get used to how big this house is. I walk inside and go straight to my room, I need to put my onesie on!

Once I'm changed I pick up my phone and see I have a twitter notification. "@luke5sos had an amazing concert and caught up with this beautiful girl backstage, can't wait to catch up with her again ;) "

I click into the photo and saw it was the one where Luke was kissing my cheek, wow this really was the best night ever. I rt it and fav and close my phone and go to the kitchen for a hot chocolate before I go to bed.

I finish my drink and go back to my bedroom, I pull back my fluffy blankets and jump into my bed ahh this is the best night ever, I quickly check twitter again and go to the photo.

I frown when I see some of the replies on it, like "she's so ugly.... What a slut..... Why is luke with her.... This better not be Luke's girlfriend..... That bitch is so ratchet..." that last one actually made me laugh it was so ridiculous. But owell they are just jealous, I go to sleep smiling about all the petty people who are jealous of me it's quite amusing actually.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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