Chapter 4

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We walk into the restaurant it's so flashy this is the type of place you only come to if your famous or have a lot of money. We get our booking and get led to sit at a booth at the back of the place there was one more booth behind us but that was basically out of sight from the rest of the restaurant.

We sit down then grandma arrives at the table "sorry I'm late we were very busy today" she apologises and takes a seat next to grandad. The waiter comes around and takes our order I get some pasta with a fancy name that I can't pronounce. Rose and my grandparents were engrossed in conversation I was not really listening.

suddenly I feel a hand touch my waist I look and someone from the back booth has their hand around the side holding a napkin folded in half. I take the tissue and read it:

Hey, guess who?? P.s you look incredibly hot tonight.

I recognise that handwriting holy shit it's Luke Hemmings I excuse myself from the table and say I need to go to the bathroom. I walk around to the front of there booth and Luke grabs me and pulls me into the seat beside him.

I look around the booth and I can't breathe I'm in a booth at one of the fanciest restaurants with 5SoS. I look at Luke and he's grinning making his cheeks indent with a dimple it's so cute, okay act cool stop fan girling.

"I can't stay for long they think I'm in the bathroom" I Inform luke and he smirks. "So you gonna come to our show tomorrow night?" Ashton asks me "hmm I don't know... Just messing with yah of course ill be there"

"you had me worried for a second but you might need these" luke says as he pretends to be hurt, and he hands me backstage passes. I can't help but have the biggest smile plastered on my face for the rest of the night. "well i better get back to my table otherwise they might think ive snuck out the bathroom window" i smile and get up and sit back down at my table.

I tuck the new backstage passes into my purse. This I going to be so fun and the best part of it all is that I don't have to go and buy a new dress because I have a wardrobe full already!

So far I have a wardrobe full of awesome clothes all the makeup I could want, the coolest guitar ever and I have meet 4/4 of 5sos and Luke mother fucking Hemmings said I was hot. Moving to LA has turned out to be the bet decision I have made in my life!

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