Chapter 5

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A/N: sorry I didn't introduce these characters last chapter, here they are again! Also thank you @turquoisewaters16 for checking out my story and being the first to vote and comment!! 


"Wow you guys have a lot of toys, what should we play with right now?" The two argue for a few minutes over who I should play with - I step in and say I want to play with both of them together - and we all end up playing pirates.

"LAND HO!" Eli bellows, standing in the middle of a pillow fort we built to be the boat. "Oh no Max! There are sharks all around the boat!" 

"Ahhh!" Max trips over a pillow, landing in the 'shark infested water' where I pretend like I'm going to eat her. "Eli help me!" 

Bravely, Eli jumps from the 'boat' and into the water where he pretends to swim towards me. "You can't have my sister for breakfast you big bully shark!" Using a foam sword, Eli 'stabs' me and I pretend to wail in pain allowing him to pull Max back onto 'safety.' 

"WE BEAT THE SHARK!" Max shrieked, jumping up and down before throwing herself on her brother causing both of them to fall down - and the 'boat' to collapse.

"Looks like you guys are having fun in here, " Jade laughs as her kids struggle to get up and hug her first. "Are you having fun with Llis?"

"Eli saved me from the killer shark!"

"She played pirates with us!"

"We made a boat fort!"

"Llis was the shark and I had to kill her!"

"We found treasure in the toy chest and saved all the tea party guests!"

"Wow! Sounds like an adventure," Jade smiles at me, her eyes warm and proud. "Why don't we head downstairs for lunch now? Daddy and Uncle Marc are staying upstairs with the twins for awhile still." Easily picking up Max, Jade motions for me to follow them to the elevator.

Much to my surprise, Eli grabs my hand and begins walking beside me and asking if I saw the Lego Batman movie yet - I haven't and he gets excited, promising that we can watch it next time I come over to play. 

"EWWIE! Amber control that animal of yours!" A loud, fake, high pitched squeal comes from the kitchen as we near it. 

Stepping into the kitchen I can't help but feel at ease with how happy the room feels. Sitting around the counter on bar stool chairs is a group of six - 3 males and 3 females. 

Upon our entrance they all turn and smile, speaking as one they greet Jade with a "Good afternoon Luna and pups" before looking at me curiously. 

"Hey guys, this is Amaryllis. She's gonna be the new sitter." Jade beams, placing Max down at the table. "Llis these are a  couple of our pack members, I think you already meet Sam at the gate." 

Not having even a chance to feel surprised that I got the job, the group begins to introduce themselves to me.

"Nice to see you again," the guard from earlier smiles at me, wrapping his arm around a beautiful and short Asian girl with long wavy black hair. "This is my mate Eva." Smiling at me, his mate nods in greeting.

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