Chapter Four

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Cade is about to start making his way up the stairs when I finally come down.

"Hey, what took you long?" He demands the second he sees me. "Was starting to think you got lost."

"Ran into Drew.  He just wanted to know how I managed to talk Ms. Nancy into hiring me. I told him I was only here because my mom couldn't be. I told him I wasn't a fan and that I didn't know this was his house until after I started working."

"How did he take it?"

I shrug. "Fine. I think he knows that I could care less about who he is. I don't expect him to single me out again." Cade doesn't look like he believes me.

"Let's get started... we have our work cut out for us." Cade says, gently taking some of the cleaning supplies out of my grasp.

Cade and I spent the rest of the morning dividing and conquering. Once the first floor was spotless, Cade ran out on a supply run while I headed upstairs to the second floor to clean the bedrooms and do laundry. The day went by pretty quickly and before I realized it, Ms. Nancy was sending us on our way.

I hurry back into the servant bathroom and change out of my uniform into my own clothing before heading for the servant's entrance to leave.

Cade had changed and was hanging by the front of the door.

"How are you getting home?" He wonders.

"I was going to take the bus." I confess.

"Let me give you a ride. It will be much quicker than the bus." He offers.

"Okay." I agree. I really didn't feel like walking to the bus stop at this time anyways.

Cade drives a black Rolls Royce. The seats are comfy and the interior smells like fresh brewed coffee and something else I can't quite pin. Once we are strapped in I tell Cade my address and settle against my seat as he drives.

"How long have you been working for Drew?" I wonder.

"About two years now. I work the holiday breaks which he usually spends here. I'm a local but I'm a Sophomore at The University of Easton."

"That's actually the school I want to transfer to after getting my AA at the community college. I just graduated a week ago." I admit.

"Why not go straight to a university?" He questions and I stiffen, and hope he didn't notice. If it had only been me, I would've graduated a year earlier to get away from Celine. But it's not just me. I have Layla to think about. She's going to start the ninth grade this fall. I couldn't leave her to deal with mom on her own.

"Not ready to leave the nest yet I guess you can say."

"That's funny. You don't strike me as being scared. Especially after you handled Ms. Nancy the other day and how mature you act."

"Well looks like you have a lot to learn about me." I smile softly. He seems like a nice guy. I wasn't going to scare him away with the burden of my life. Not when we just became friends.

"I look forward to it." He returns my smile before focusing back on the road. I turn my head to stare at the window. The beautiful, big houses blurred into the background and the two of us fell into a comfortable silence.

"Turn in here. I live in these apartments." I tell him. I was thankful that it was dark so he didn't have to see how crappy the apartment complex is. It was in one of the worst neighborhoods in town and even though Cade wasn't a celebrity like Drew, I can tell he comes from money. I don't need to see the look in his eyes when he sees where I live.

"Here we are." He announces just as he pulls into an empty parking lot and kills the ignition.

"Thank you for bringing me home." I say as I unbuckle myself and climb out. He surprises me when he gets out the car and strolls over to my side.

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