Chapter Twenty

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It was Saturday, which meant no work and sleeping in. I pride myself in being an early riser but after coming home around midnight from the fair there was no way I was waking up earlier than I had to.
     Blinking awake, the first thing I see is Layla's sleeping face across the room. I'd give it to her; she could definitely hang. We got home around midnight and I was exhausted and ready to crash, but Layla had the energy of an energizer bunny.
     That was the last time I let her drink two large containers of Pepsi and eat two rolls of cotton candy.
Drew had been amazing last night. Once Layla left us we were stopped a few times once people recognized Drew and demanded selfies, autographs, and videos for their snapchat.
     His fanbase was entirely girls. It didn't bother me before when I thought they were just fourteen-year-olds like Layla but they ranged from all ages, mostly ones closer to Drew's. And they were all stunning. All long legs and perky breasts. All silky hair and pouty lips. I knew Drew wasn't interested in them but I wasn't crazy enough to believe he didn't notice how gorgeous they all were and how in love they were with him.
     This was what he'd go back to once the summer was over and we'd gone our separate ways. With me out of the picture, all those girls would be his for the picking. He could have any and all those girls once I'm gone.
     Our eyes would lock during each break in between pictures and autographs and he would wink or smile at me and I had to remind myself that he was here with me. That he chose me. Even if it was just for the summer.
A yawn escapes my lips and I decide not to dwell in my own thoughts anymore. I need to talk to Celine and I didn't want to waste anymore time. I fling the covers off me and slip into my ugg boots. I wash my face and brush my teeth before heading into the kitchen where I find Celine sitting at the dining room table eating an apple.
     "The two of you got in late. I'm surprised you're up."
     I need to tell her about Drew. His Back-To School- beach performance was this afternoon and he would come over to pick me up. The first time they met she was wasted so I wasn't entirely sure if she knew Drew was my knight and shining armor that night or just a really nice boss.
     "We need to talk." I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and stand in front of her.
    She stopped chewing. "You better not tell me you got fired."
     I roll my eyes. "No. I didn't get fired."
     "Are you pregnant?"
     "No!" I exclaimed, horrified at the very idea. I was not ready for kids.
     "Oh. Good." She presses her lips together. "What is it?"
     "Do you remember the night you got arrested for the DUI?" I start and Celine frowns.
     "Yeah, I remember."
     I bite my lip, not sure I like that she did or not.      "Well you remember the guy I was with? The guy that drove me to the jail and paid your bail?"
     "Vaguely. But continue." Celine takes another bite of her apple, this time a big one.
     "Well he's the owner of the house that you worked at, the owner of the house I currently work in. My boss. We're... dating." I confess.
     "Are you serious?" She asks, her mouth full of apple bits.
     "Yeah. We've been dating for a few weeks now and he's going to show up in a few hours to pick me up to go to his concert."
     That caught her attention. "He's taking you to his concert?"
     I nod my head and Celine takes another bite of her apple and chews slowly. "I don't think that's a smart idea."
     I wasn't expecting her to care. "Why not?"
     Celine sits her half-eaten apple down on the counter before facing me. "Mia, until Drew you've never dated anyone before. His world isn't something you're ready to be a part of. Guys like him don't date girls like us. I know I'm the last person that should be giving relationship advice, but listen to your momma baby when I tell you-you should break it off before you fall in love with him."
     I want to argue but how can I? She's right. She's only telling me what I already fear. "It's too late... I love him." I whisper.
Celine drops her gaze to the apple then bring it back to me before she takes a step forward. "Then baby," She says to me. "Get ready to feel pain like you've never known before." Then she kisses my forehead, picks up the apple and walks away.
     She didn't approve and that's okay. It's my life, my choice, and my decision to continue on with this, and if that meant being heartbroken in the end, then I was okay with that too. Because Drew was worth it.

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