Chapter Seven

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The next day when lunch comes around I want to be left alone. When I woke up in the morning I found Celine right where I left her with a huge hangover and no memory of her night. I told her about her friend leaving and she yelled at me for making him go.

Excuse me for not being comfortable with a strange naked guy twice my age sleeping in the same house as me.

Celine kept yelling and I kept tuning her out while I prepared her my special hangover remedy, one I've perfected before I even knew my fractions.

When I arrived at the mansion Ms. Nancy could tell I wasn't my usual self but didn't say anything and when I told Ms. Victoria I was going out to get food instead eating in with everyone else she didn't stop me.

I never had time to explore the beach since my job was maintaining the inside of the house, but with a few minutes left to myself before my lunch break was over I decide to take a walk.

It's early afternoon, the sun is out and the wind blows in my hair as I walk along the shore. It's quiet, peaceful even, and I thought about what it would feel like to stay out here forever.

On the other end of the beach I can just make out a figure jogging in my direction. I have a good guess on who it is and it's confirmed when he gets close enough for me to see those mesmerizing brown eyes.

"You know this a private beach right? There's no girls to impress." I say teasingly to a shirtless Drew. From the picture in his bedroom I knew he had an amazing body, but it was nothing like seeing it in person.

He had the body of a God. Expansive shoulders, sun-kissed skin, and a tapered waist, I could see why millions of girls drooled over him and that wasn't even the tip of the iceberg. Abs. They were taunt and well defined. And forget six pack, he had an eight pack that stopped into a delicious V-line that disappeared into his dark board shorts.

"Well there is one girl here..." He pauses. "Is she impressed?"

I am, but there's no way in hell I'm letting him know that.

"Sorry." I shake my head. "I think you need to lay off of Ms. Victoria's pasta."

Drew laughs, breaking out that beautiful smile of his. "Ouch." He laughs softly. "What are you doing out here? Not that I'm not happy to see you."

"I had a few minutes before my lunch break is over." I answer, shrugging.

"Mind if I keep you company?"

"It's your beach." I answer, before continuing my walk.

"Are you okay? It seemed like you had something on your mind before." Drew comments as he walks alongside of me.

"I could say the same about you." I say, deflecting his question, and hope doesn't realize it.

"Yeah." He sighs loudly then becomes quiet and I don't think he's going to comment any further. "I got into an argument with my manager." He adds after a moment.

"Evan? What did you guys argue about, if you don't mind me asking?"

"The same thing we've been arguing about for a while now," He replies. "My new album."

"What about it?"

"He wants me to keep the same sound, you know the cookie cutter teen pop stuff."

"And you want to change it?" I ask and Drew nods his head.

"Yeah. I want to make music that I would actually listen to, not music my record label thinks will sell." He confides.

"Wow." I say out loud, not bothering to hide the attitude in my voice.

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