Chapter Seventeen

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Drew had called several times late last night and when I didn't answer he started texting and I ignored those too. I was worried he'd show up but thankfully so I texted him.

Layla is back. Taking the day off to spend time with her.

    The next day I called out sick like I said I would and Ms. Nancy wished me a get well. I felt a little bad about lying but the thought of seeing Drew was too much. Call me a coward. Call me a chicken.  But I just can't face him. I can't see those eyes, those eyes that always seemed so warm and always light up whenever I walked into a room. Not when he was looking at Casey the same way he looked at me.
     I need to put all my thoughts of Drew in the back of my mind... and that's exactly what I plan to do.
      "Whatcha still doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" Celine's voice reaches my ears the second I step into the kitchen.
     I look at her. She's dressed in a colorfully striped sleeveless maxi-dress and pink flip-flops with her hair brushed. She looked normal... like how she used to.
     "I took the day off."
     "Why?" She eyed me skeptically.
     "Hey, mom," Layla says as she walked into the room. With the both of them standing a few feet from one another, it was clear to see how Layla looks more like Celine than I do. She possessed the same heart-shaped face, rich complexion, and warm brown eyes.
     "Hey, baby! You're back!" Celine surprises the both of us when she pulls Layla into a hug. Layla raises her brow expectantly at me and I shrug.
     "I'm back," Layla confirms, her tone matches the confusion on her face. Finally, Celine lets her go then does a quick appraisal of her.
     "You look good. How was your trip?" Celine sounds like she's genuinely interested, which is also surprising.
     "It was good... I had fun." Layla answers.
     "That's great baby. I'm glad you got to go." Celine smiles.
     "Mom..." I say and Celine turns to me. "What's going on?"
     "What do you mean?"
     "Why are you acting funny?" I question.
     "Because I ask how my daughter's trip is I'm acting funny?" She shoots back in an accusing tone.
     "Well yeah." Layla answers. "You don't usually care about what we do."
     If Celine was offended, it didn't show on her face.      "Don't be silly. I always care about what you and your sister are up to."
     "Since when?" Layla challenges.
     Celine presses her lips together in response.     "What's with all the questions? Y'all look like y'all about to go out. Where y'all going?"
     "We're going to hang out," I answer. "Have a sister day of sorts."
     "Can I come?"
     I don't know who was more shock between me and Layla. The last time the three of us hung out was... I can't even remember. That's how long it's been.  What spurred this on, I had no idea. Celine has to be up to something.
     "Why?" I stare at her accusingly.
     "I can't spend time with my daughters?" Her tone is light and it's followed by a soft giggle.
     "Of course you can, you just always choose not to," Layla says.
     The friendly smile on Celine's face wipes away instantly. "Well, this time I'm choosing to." She tells us in a firm voice. "So let's get this show on the road." She motions for Layla and me to head for the front door.
     Layla and I both share a look but march off towards the front door anyways, with Celine tailing right behind us.
     Today was definitely going to be interesting.


     The first stop was the mall. I needed some new jeans now that school was around the corner and I'm sure Layla wanted to buy out every clothing department. As much as I want to give my sister everything she wants, it just wasn't in the budget. Especially since I was still indecisive about whether or not I wanted to go back to work for Drew.
     I manage to block him out of my mind until this moment. Having Celine sit in the passenger seat right next to me was distracting enough.
    She made small talk, asking Layla how her trip was and asking me if I was excited about school.  The both of us kept our answers short and brief, shutting down any other attempt of having a conversation.    Finally Celine got the hint and stopped talking to us.
     I shouldn't feel bad. She brought this upon herself. Time after time she let us down, showed us what a horrible mother she is. It isn't our fault we don't want to do the whole bonding thing now.
     "Mia!" Someone shouts my name, making me snap out of my thoughts.
     "Yeah?" Celine is holding up a top at me. It's black with a big bust and covered in gold sequins.
     "Don't you think this is nice?" She twirled it on its hanger, showing me the zipper in the back.
     "For me or Janet Jackson?" The top was too gaudy for my taste, not to mention I wouldn't be able to fill up the breast part.
     "I think it's cute." She press her lips together in a frown before hanging the crop top back on the racks.
     It went on like that for another two hours. Celine would suggest something she'd think me or Layla might like and we'd tell her we didn't. I found my jeans and a few tops I thought were cute and even treated myself to a nice dress I didn't need but couldn't seem to leave at the store. And Layla got herself a new wardrobe or at least that's what it looked like from all the bags she carried.
     We're just about to leave our last store for the day when I notice Celine looking over a dress. I watch as she places it in front of her, modeling it in front of the mirror and the smile that lights us her face as she pictured herself wearing it.
     "What are you looking at?" Layla wonders as we stand in front of the checkout area.
     "Mom." I never call her Celine in front of Layla.
     Layla directs her gaze to where I'm looking. "She always wears the most flashy things."
     "She wouldn't be mom if she didn't." I giggle.
     "Would that be all for today?" The lady at the cashier asks, capturing our attention.
     "Y-yeah." I turn and hand over the cash needed to pay for everything. "Mom!" I shout, startling Celine to dropping the dress from her body. "We're leaving."
     "I'm coming!" She quickly puts the dress back on the rack and scurries over to us.
     "Why don't you guys stop at the food court. I'll be right back." I tell them when we leave the store.
     "Where are you going?" Layla asks in a panic tone.
     "I'll be right back. There's just something I forgot to buy." And I leave before either of them can stop me. I walk in the opposite direction that I want to go until I see them disappear into the crowded food court before heading back to the store we just walked out of.
     When I catch up with Layla and Celine again, they're sitting in a booth with Burger King in front of them.
     "Whopper?" I ask as I slide in the booth next to Layla.
     "You know it." She pulls out the extra whopper out of the bag and hands it to me.
     "Thank you."
     "So what did you need to get?" Layla asks with a mouthful of french fries.
     "Close your mouth." Celine and I say at the same time. We look at each other, surprise glint in our eyes.
     I guess there was a mother in her still after all.
     "Geez... sorry," Layla says after swallowing.
     Once we leave the mall, we head to the spa then the nail salon then finally back home. It was a good day... even with Celine tagging along.
     "I just want to thank you girls for letting me tag along even though I wasn't really wanted." Celine says once we're all safely inside the house.
     "It was fun," Layla admits. "Weird... but fun."
     Celine smiles pleased and the dimples on both her cheeks appear.
     "I had fun too. It's been a long time since the three of us hung out like this." Celine admits.
     "Not our choice." I input.
   A look of something, maybe regret flashes in the depth of her dark eyes. "I- I know. And I want to change that."
     That wasn't the first time she said that.
     "Actions speak louder than words mom." I say before holding out to her a shopping bag.
     She looks at the bag then at me. "What is it?"
     "Open it and find out."
     I watch as she takes the bag out of my hand and opens it with curiosity all over face. The second she opens the bag and sees what's inside, her face changes to happy, surprise to happy again.
     Celine has the biggest smile on her face as she pulls out the dress out of the bag.
     "This is the dress that I wanted!" She exclaims. I felt bad for the way I treated her at the mall.
     "I saw you looking at it..."
     She opens her mouth then closes it. "Thank you."      Celine surprises me by pulling me into a big hug, practically squeezing the life out of me.
     "You're welcome." I want to wrap my arms around her and hug her back but it's too soon.
     One step at a time.
     Celine pulls back. If she's offended that I didn't hug her back it doesn't show on her face.
     "Thank you." She tells me again, gives a parting smile to Layla then walks off towards her room.
     Layla turns to me. "That was nice of you."
     I shrug. "She's still our mom."

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