Chapter Fifteen

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     I never wanted anything more in my life than to stay wrapped in Drew's arm the next morning.
     I stir awake to fingers drawing a lazy line up and down my arm. I blink several times before locking gaze with a pair of startling brown eyes. A slow, lazy smile meets his lips and I revel in his beauty and the fact that he was the first thing I was waking up to this morning.
     "Hi." I greet him softly, not feeling as bold and brave as I did last night.
     "How is it possible that you wake up looking this good?" He asks, his voice husky with sleep.
     "I was just about to ask you the same thing."
     Drew smiles a tight lip smile that unfortunately doesn't bring out his dimples but he still gets the butterflies in my stomach to take flight.
     "Come here. You're too far away." There was barely an inch of space between our bodies and faces but I didn't argue. Instead, I happily scoot closer until my head is on his pillow.
     Drew props himself up just high enough so he can lean down and capture my lips with his. The moment our lips touch the same fire in my body from last night burns, causing me to melt into the mattress feeling nothing but pure bliss as Drew nibbles and sucks on my neck.
     Somewhere in my mind, my subconscious was screaming something about work but then Drew found my sweet spot and nothing else seemed to matter except getting Drew to put out the flames that he started. But as soon as the covers begin to slip a constant ringing started.
     "Ignore it." Drew's voice is muffled as he begins to leave kisses down my collarbone.
     "I can't." I raise myself up so that I am able to reach for my phone where the ringing was coming from.
     There's a password and with Drew trailing kisses down my neck, it's hard to remember the four digit code. I move my shoulder, hoping it would deter him, but he just moves on to my back and shoulder blade, and it takes me way too long to remember that my password was my birthday. Once I'm in, I dismiss the alarm that told me it was time to get ready for work.
     "Where were we?" Drew asks before he's kissing me with a passion that makes my toes curl.
     "You were going to let me get up so I can get ready for work," I say after using superhuman strength to break the kiss. "I don't want anyone to know I slept over."
     The last thing I wanted was to do the walk of shame, even if I wasn't ashamed or regretted anything that happened last night. Drew was nothing short of perfect. He was gentle and caring and made my first time amazing.
     At least it was for me.
     I had no idea what Drew thought and I was afraid my lack of experience turned him off. I hated that my insecurities reared its ugly head during this beautiful moment but I couldn't stop it.
     "Hey," Drew's voice softens. "Talk to me." He demands.
     "Last night was incredible and... and..." I stopped, feeling silly for bringing it up.
     "And you're wondering how it was for me." I didn't say anything but Drew took it as a confirmation. I hear him groan and I open my mouth to tell him he doesn't have to answer it anymore but he interrupts me before I can speak. "Last night was better than I imagined it would be, and trust me, Mia, I've imagined it a lot. "I've only had one taste but I'm afraid I'm addicted."
     I smiled, not really knowing how to reply. But I like his answer.
     I like it a lot.
     Wordlessly I reach up and stroke Drew's cheek, loving the way his stubble feels against my fingertips, before I press my lips to his. He's quick to respond, his tongue sweeping inside of my mouth without permission and he presses me into the bed.
     I guess I could be few minutes late for work.


     When I walk into the kitchen after leaving Drew's bedroom, showered and dressed- forty-five minutes late, Ms. Nancy is in the kitchen frowning at me.
     "I'm so sor-" Is all I get a chance to say before Ms. Nancy is crushing me in a hug. I freeze, a confuse knot between my brows as I stand there completely confused as to why she's hugging me.
     Does she hug everyone that comes to work late?
     "Is everything okay Ms. Nancy?" I ask when she finally lets me go.
     "A girl your age shouldn't have to be going down to jail houses, especially at night. And your momma, she doesn't have the good sense God gave her- drinking and driving like that. What's the matter with her?" Ms. Nancy fusses.
      Drew told me that he told the staff why I didn't show up to work yesterday, so I wasn't surprised that Ms. Nancy knew. But I was surprised at the fact that she cared.
    "It's fine Ms. Nancy," I reassure her. "My mom has been pulling stunts like that on and off for years. I'm used to it."
    "And she had the nerve to come work here?" Ms. Nancy put a hand on her hip. "Fooled me once but it won't happen again ya hear me?"
     I shake my head, wanting to argue. Yes, Celine has a drinking problem but when she cleans herself up she was good and hard-working as the next person. She deserved a little bit of credit.
     "She was sober when she applied and the little time she worked here. I'm just sorry she fell off the wagon so soon."
     Ms. Nancy tsk at me and I can see she wants to say more but she bites her tongue and shakes her head instead. Her face softens when she looks at Drew who I didn't even notice walk into the room.
     "Thank God this boy here is crazy about you and was able to look after you."
     Drew looks at me, his gaze soft and adoring before he kisses my temple.
     "It was instinct," I admit. "I needed someone who I thought would come and it was Drew."
     "I'll always come running when you call," Drew promises me.
     "It's all so new to me." I continue. "I'm so used to handling situations with my mom on my own."
     "Well, that's the end of that ya hear me? You have a house full of people who care about you. Me, Ms. Victoria, Cade. You just say the word and we'll be there for you."
     "You're not alone anymore," Drew tells me and my heart swells inside my chest.
     Cade walks in just as Drew and I get ready to eat breakfast. He stops when he sees me and doesn't even blink in Drew's direction. "Mia?"
     The tone of his voice told me there was so much he wanted to know but didn't want to ask and I wonder if it's because of the person I'm holding hands with. "We're both fine," I answer, knowing that he wanted to know about my mom and me.
     "Good." Cade walks up to Ms. Nancy who tells him his instructions for the day then he walks right out.
     Seeing Cade just reminded me that I wanted to keep things professional. I was already almost an hour late and now I was about to have breakfast. I was already milking this relationship for its benefits and I didn't want to do that.
     "I should start working too," I tell Drew just as he finished pouring orange juice in my cup.
     He frowns. "But we were about to have breakfast."
"I know, but I'm already late and having breakfast just doesn't seem right," I tell him.
     "But you need to eat," Drew argues.
     I take my cup of orange juice and gulp down half of it. "There. That should hold me until lunch." I say which only makes Drew frowns harder. "I'll be fine. I've worked on much less."
     "That's not helping." He glowers at me, making me laugh.
     I shake my head. I was starting to feel like this was a losing argument.
     "Let the girl get to work. I'll make sure she eats something before lunch." Ms. Nancy jumps to my rescue.
     "Okay." Drew finally concedes, but he doesn't look too happy about it.
     "I'll see you later," I tell him then take a step to leave but Drew holds onto my hand, stopping me.
     "That's not how you tell me bye." He tells me.
     I cast a look at Ms. Nancy who is watching us.
     "I'm not letting you leave until you tell me bye." His voice takes on a husky tone.
     "Bye." I grin, knowing that's not what he meant.
     "Mia..." Drew raises a brow challengingly at me.
"Would you go on and kiss that boy so you can get to working?" Ms. Nancy commands.
     I giggle but turn my attention back to Drew and peck his lips. I lean in again and one of Drew's hand sneaks up behind my neck, locking me in the same moment his lips crashes against mine. He kisses me hungrily, his lips firm but soft as they work against mines demandingly and intensely until I whimper into submission.
     "I told y'all to kiss not to get your freak on with your mouth!" Ms. Nancy exclaims before walking away.
     "I'll see you at lunch." Drew tells me, his voice low and deep.
     I nod my head, too dazed to speak. Drew chuckles and an amused smile meets his lips before he walks away.

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