Chapter Eleven

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I'm greeted by a note from Ms. Nancy the next morning when I enter the Lyons Mansion.
I give Ms. Nancy a curious gaze but she says nothing and waits for me to take the note out of her hand.
I look over to the counter where Ms. Victoria usually has it covered with ingredients for Drew's breakfast, but it was bare. I can't decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
Ms. Nancy walks away without a word and I turn my back and open the note.
It's a phone number.
I already know who the number belongs to and since I have a few minutes before I need to clock in, I pull out my phone from my pocket, dial the number and wait.
"Hey beautiful." Drew's sweet, raspy voice greets my ears after two rings.
"Do you usually answer unknown calls that way?" I ask jokingly.
"It's not unknown since I have your number." He replied, with a hint of laughter in his tone.
"Do I want to know how you have my number stalker?" I joke, even though I was curious as to how he got my number since I never gave it to him.
Drew chuckles. "You work for me remember? I had Ms. Nancy give it to me." There's a pause before he's adding, "so I'm guessing Layla got the brains out of the two of you?"
The teasing glint in his tone doesn't go unnoticed by me but still I glower at the phone even though he can't see me.
"Hey- I get to be the one with the snarky comments in this relationship." I retort.
"So we're in a relationship now?" His voice is a mixture of surprise and happiness. I silently curse in my head at my slip up.
We never discussed what this is between us. I don't think he'd want to put a label on something that was only going to last the summer and now I was afraid he was thinking I was rushing things and thinking it was more serious than it actually is.
"I-I didn't mean..." I stutter, trying to find the right words to explain myself but coming up blank.
"I sure as hell hope we're in a relationship because I'm not sharing you." Drew replies and I'm glad he can't see the ridiculous grin on my face right now.
"I don't want to share you either," I reply softly, suddenly feeling shy talking to him. "So you want to tell me why you're calling me?"
As much as I like hearing his voice, I would rather see him.
"I completely forgot about this interview I have to do in L.A this afternoon. I flew out last night but I'll be back as soon as it's over." He tells me.
My heart sinks. Of course, he has an interview in California. He's a celebrity after all.
He can't stay here with me all the time.
I knew the more time he spent with me the harder it was going to be for me to let him go when the time came. But knowing this didn't lessen the tightness in my chest.
"What's going on inside that pretty head of yours?" Drew questions. "You're quite."
"I was just thinking that now I have no one to distract me from work." I joke, it was easier to admit than to tell him I already missed him.
"Are you calling me a distraction Ms. Thomas ? I'm offended." His tone is light.
"Yes," I giggle. "But a good distraction." I grin.
Drew chuckles in response. I hear Evan's voice in the background calling for Drew and I know our time is up. "I have to go." He sighs sadly.
"I do too." Ms. Nancy would come in any second looking for me.
"I'll see you soon. Have a good day."
"Thanks. You too."
"I'll call you before I get on my flight." He promises me before the two of us hang up.
I swallow the tightness in my throat then pocket my cell phone before tracking down Ms. Nancy so I could get to work.
The day seems to drag on without Drew being there and for the first time in forever I want to be home. Drew's house feels empty and cold without him there.
Already I had gotten used to him coming into the kitchen for something to drink or coming out into the garden because he needed some fresh air. Even though we both knew those were just excuses for him to see me throughout the day.
Since Drew isn't here Ms. Nancy lets us leave early. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and change out of my uniform quickly.
I'm ready to leave this place. I thought maybe the quicker I left the faster the day would be over and I'd see Drew tomorrow morning.
I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice when Cade enter the room until he snaps his fingers in my face.
"I'm sorry, what?" I blink, snapping out of my thoughts.
"A penny for your thoughts?" Cade asks. He was changed out of his uniform as well.
"It's not that interesting."
"Let me guess. His first name is Drew and his last name is Lyons?" Cade guessed, jokingly.
"Am I that obvious?" I frown.
"No, I've just gotten really good at reading you."
"Guess my poker face needs a little work," I say before opening the door that led into the night.
"Need a ride?"
I thought about it. I wasn't really sure how Drew would feel if I was alone with Cade. He wasn't his biggest fan since the night of his birthday party.
"Sure. Thanks." I finally answer. It wasn't like Drew was going to find out and I was my own person.
I could be friends with whoever I want.
An easy smile appears on Cade's face before he turns and leads the way to his car.
"When's the last time you've been in my car?" Cade asks the second we're both settled inside.
I buckle myself in and wait for him to pull away from the mansion before answering.
"It's been a while," I say. "It's just that with Drew leaving when the summer is over I want to spend as much time with him as I can."
Cade frowns and a tick works in his jaw before he glances at me. "You know that once the summer is over so are you guys right? I mean you're not that naïve are you?"
I thought about how to reply or if I even should. This is not Cade's business. But he's my friend and he cares about me.
He deserves some sort of an explanation. "I know that. But I want him for as long as he wants me. And if that's until the end of the summer or the end of this week, then I'll take what I can get."
     Cade stops at a red light and turns his head to me.      "And you're okay with that? You're okay with being a summer fling? Don't you think you deserve more than to be another notch in his belt?"
     "I didn't say that. Of course I want more," I admit. "But a real relationship between him and I is impossible. A girl like me doesn't get to keep a guy like him."
     "Then why are you even bothering?"
     "Because I'm falling in love with him."
     "He doesn't deserve you. You need someone who will always be there for you. Someone who will make you their priority." Cade tells me.
     "Someone like you?" I turn to him and he looked like I just slapped him.
     I didn't like hurting him but he needs to know there's no hope for us. "I'm sorry Cade, but you and I are just friends."
"I can treat you better." Is all he says before thankfully the light turned green and we drove the rest of the way to my house in silence.

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