Chapter Twenty-Three

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The darkness is gone.

I blink and I'm blinded by a bright light.

Where am I?

I remember the darkness. I remember finding the bottle of Vodka but then nothing. It's like there's a huge gap of time between then and now.

I try to focus, try to make sense of where I am, but the only thing I can focus on is the pain. My head feels like it's going to explode and the voices arguing doesn't make it any better.

The voices are all different but familiar. I hear Celine's loud voice and Layla's soft one mixing along with it.

I blink again and suddenly they're faces to match the voices.

    Celine is hovered over me along with doctors and paramedics. All of them shouting at once, making it hard to figure out what they're saying.

"Mia, don't you shut your eyes you hear me? Keep your eyes open!" Celine shouts.

"Mia it's Layla! I'm here!" Layla cries.

"BP is dropping! We need to move her fast!" One of the doctors is heard saying.

"Mom, it hurts!" I cry, writhing around hoping to stop the giant knot in my stomach that feels like I'm going to explode any second.

"Mia you're gonna be fine baby! The doctors are gonna take care of you." Celine tries to reassure me. But the pain in my stomach was getting worse making it hard to believe her.

"This where you stay ma'am." One of the doctors tells Celine.

"You make sure she's alright or I will bring hell on this hospital." Another voice threaten and the pain must be causing me to hallucinate because I could swear the voice belonged to Drew. I don't get to see if it's him before the darkness pulls me in again.

This time when I open my eyes again I'm surrounded by white. I blink and I'm staring up at a white ceiling.There's a constant beeping sound near my head but I don't try to find the source.

I blink again and I know I'm dreaming when I see Drew. Only he's not the same Drew I remember. This Drew looks like he's hurting. Instinctively my heart calls out to him, needing to do whatever I can to take that look off of his face. He's close enough that I can reach out to him but when I try to move my hand nothing happens. I try again before I can start to panic and this time it works.


I stop breathing, wanting to hear Drew say my name again.

"Mia, it's me baby. Can you hear me?" I wanted to answer him, to let him know that I could but my throat hurts almost as bad as my head does. "Mia if you can hear me I'm going to get a nurse okay." Drew tells me softly.

Nurse. What nurse? I didn't want him to leave again. I gather all the strength I have to hold on his arm and he chuckles.

"I'm coming back I promise." There's a faint brush of lips on my forehead and the darkness starts to float away.

Drew pulls back and the darkness threatens to come back, but I fight it. Moments later he strolls back in, a blonde haired lady who I've never seen before trails behind. The second he's close enough he grasp my hand and I can feel my lips spread into a smile.

"Hi Mia." The nurse greets me with a friendly smile. "Let's get you checked out alright."

    After five of the longest minutes of my life the nurse was finally done and told me she'd be back with a doctor shortly. I don't wait until she leaves before I give all my attention to Drew.

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