Chapter 9 || "Crazy Hot Hook-Ups"

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My eyes open, and I immediately wince at the sunlight streaming in brightly through my windows. I sit up and feel my head pounding, quickly making the decision to lay back down. I roll over and grab my phone off my bedside table, seeing it's already 1:30 PM. I scroll my notifications and see I have practically a million texts from Julia. I seen I've been tagged in a few Instagram posts, presumably from last night's party, and I have fifteen snapchats. I ignore the other notifications and slide my finger on the screen to open up my texts from Julia.

J (11:32 PM Friday): HelaiNa!!!!

J (11:32 PM Friday): I can't believe that u made out w Shawn lol bitch wtf!!

J (12:17 PM Saturday): But seriously I can't believe you and Shawn happened. I thought you hated him?

J (12:18 PM Saturday): Did you go as far as I thought you did or was I just too drunk to understand anything

J (12:39 PM Saturday): Text me when you wake up

I slowly sit up and try my best to ignore the throbbing pain in my head as I begin to reply to Julia's messages.

H: I'm awake

Julia answers almost instantly, my phone vibrating with a notification that she's responded.

J: How hungover are you lol

H: I feel like I'm drunk and hungover at the same time

J: That sucks, it used to happen to me all the time sophomore year when I wasn't used to drinking a lot

H: lol

J: Anyways, do you wanna meet up at Starbucks and walk around town?

H: Yeah sure

J: Good, we have a lot to discuss about last night haha

H: Oh God, can't wait

J: When should we meet?

H: I just woke up, I still have to shower and get ready.

J: Is forty-five minutes enough time to get ready and be there?

H: Yeah that's fine. See you then

J: Yup

I slowly climb out of bed, putting my phone down on my bed and walking over my bedroom door, stepping out into the hallway. I walk down the hall and make my way into the bathroom, twisting the knob and stepping inside. I turn the lights on and grab a towel and turn the hot water on. I stare in the mirror at myself and realize I look like death. My makeup is all smudged, I have black eyeliner smudged all over and lipstick stains on my teeth. I take my clothes off and hop in the shower, immediately putting my face under the shower head and letting the hot water wash the makeup off. I put shampoo in my hair, and stand back under the faucet, letting the steamy hot water cascade over my body. I reluctantly turn the water off once I'm done washing my hair and my body, stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel.

Knowing that I don't have enough time to let my hair air-dry like I normally do, I grab my blowdryer off the counter and plug it in. I turn it on and it comes to life, hot air blowing out. I quickly dry my hair off with it, and in a matter of minutes, my hair is fully dry and clean. I take a brush and comb through it, smoothing out of any of the frizz crated by the blowdryer. I unplug the cord and put it back down, leaving the bathroom and shutting off the lights behind me. I walk back into my room and head to my closet, pulling out a pair of black leggings and a pullover maroon sweatshirt. I shove my feet into a pair of white Adidas Superstars and walk back over to my bed, grabbing my phone. I grab my purse and make sure my wallet and keys are inside before heading out. I climb in my car and begin driving towards Starbucks. In a matter of ten minutes, I reach it and find a parking spot on the street. I park the car and get out, walking towards the store. As I pull open the door, I immediately spot Julia sitting at a table next to the windows. She looks up and waves me over.

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