Chapter 34 || "More Than Just Hook-Up Buddies"

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I look up, my mouth still wide open in shock. Mom is standing in the archway between the kitchen and the dining room, staring at me. I nod quickly and shut my mouth, leaning over and grabbing my phone.

"Um, yeah, I- um." I stutter, my hands trembling as I grab my phone and put it face down in my lap. I take a deep breath and recompose myself. "Yeah, I was just on Instagram and saw something crazy about a celebrity I like so it shocked me so much that I dropped my phone." I lie.

"Really? What celebrity was it?" Mom asks, coming closer.

"You wouldn't know them, they're from one of the shows I watch on Netflix." I say.

"That's ridiculous, Helaina. Just because I've never seen the show doesn't mean it's the only thing they've ever done. Who was it?" Mom asks again.

"It's the star of the show Chewing Gum. It's a British show; you wouldn't know any of them." I say, pulling a random show I like out on my brain.

"Oh, you're right. I've never heard of that show before." Mom says and walks away. I let out a sigh of relief and pick my phone up, unlocking it and going on my text messages.

H: what the fuck is wrong with you?!

H: why would you send me that

H: my MOM almost saw

The three dots appear, alerting me that Shawn's typing. His message pops up moments later.

S: How was I supposed to know?

S: You were in your room sending ass pics to me

S: Why would I assume your mom would be in there with you?

H: she wasn't, dumbass

H: I was eating dinner when I opened that and she walked in

S: I sent you a text that specifically said to open it ALONE

S: You can't blame this on me

My face goes red with anger, and my body tenses.

H: are you kidding me?

H: how is it MY fault that you sent me an unsolicited dick pic?

H: oh wait, it wasn't just a dick pic, as if that wouldn't be bad enough

H: it was a VIDEO of you jerking off

S: I thought you would like it

S: How was I supposed to know

H: why would you just assume I would enjoy it?

H: we're not dating!

S: Well thank God for that

H: fuck you Shawn.

I turn my phone off and slam it down on the table. I finish the rest of my meal and throw the dirty dishes in the sink, running upstairs into my room. I slam the door shut behind me and for the second time tonight, I feel years prick the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill. I blink rapidly, trying to get rid of the urge, but it backfires. Tears fall down my face, and I begin to cry. I try and stifle my cries, afraid that someone will hear me and come in to see what's wrong, but instead it just makes it worse.

I curl up on my bed, completely frustrated with life. How is it that Shawn and I aren't even official yet, yet we've managed to get in so many fights? It makes me worried; worried that we don't mesh well together. Worried that if we did start going out and make things official, that it would just cause more strain and tension between us. Would we even last long? Are Shawn and I destined to ever be more than just hookup-buddies, or are we going forever going to remain stuck in this space of constant confusion that will inevitably end up in one of us getting in a relationship, while the other one just gets hurt?

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