Chapter 55 || "She Needs To Know The Truth"

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As I finish vomiting on the ground, I feel someone gently put their arm around me. I wearily look up to see Shawn holding onto me, his forehead shiny with sweat and his hair matted to his skin. His fingers come up and tuck my hair behind my ears, and as he pulls his hand away, I see the fresh blood on his knuckles. My eyes dart over to Liam's unconscious body on the ground, the dark-red blood oozing out of his nose and the corners of his lips. Even in this low-lighting, I can tell he's badly bruised and is going to look horrible for next few weeks.

The sight of Liam's bruised and bloodied face combined with the thought of the blood on Shawn's knuckles being Liam's and the amount of alcohol in my system, sends my stomach overboard again. I lurch forward, falling onto the ground on my hands and knees as I vomit onto the grass. As I let out the contents of my stomach, I feel Shawn kneel down beside me and hold my hair back for me as I throw up. I cough and sit up, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I try to stand up, but my body feels weak and my legs tremble, threatening to give out at any moment.

"I'll carry you." Shawn whispers, picking me up off the ground.

He wraps my legs around his waist and I wearily put my arms around his neck, barely holding on. My head hangs down as he walks, and I suddenly remember my phone is still upstairs. I need my phone. Not only do I have to have it for tomorrow morning to give back to Mom, but I also need to show Julia the pictures of Carson. She needs to know the truth.

"Shawn." I croak, and he rubs my back.

"What is it? Do you have to throw up again?" he asks, stopping in place.

"No, my phone." I say, and he keeps walking.

"What about it?"

"I left it upstairs. I need it..." I trail off, my brain unable to work with my mouth to form another sentence. Shawn doesn't say anything, instead continuing to walk. I see houses come into view, and I realize we're back in the front yard. He sets me down on Liam's front porch, propping me up on the bench he has. Shawn sits down beside me, kissing the top of my head before pulling out his phone and beginning to type.

"I'm texting Isaac right now. He's going to sit out here with you while I go inside and find your phone." Shawn explains. "Where did you leave it?"

"Upstairs. I dropped it by the bathroom. If it's not there, Carson has it." I say slowly.

"Carson? Why would Carson have it? Why is he even here?" he asks.

"He's cheating on Julia. I saw him making out with another girl." I say, and the front door opens. Isaac steps outside, and the moment he sees Shawn and I, the care-free smile on his face disappears and is replaced by a worried look.

"What the hell happened to you two?" he asks, and Shawn stands up.

"Just sit next to Helaina. If anyone tries to talk to her, make them go away. If Liam comes out here, pick her up and run to my car and text me." Shawn instructs. He kisses me on the head again, before heading inside and vanishing. Isaac sits down next to me, taking in my appearance.

"What happened? What did Liam do?" Isaac asks.

"He wouldn't stop forcing me to kiss him. Shawn saw and beat the shit out of him." I say. When the words leave my mouth, my stomach churns and I have to push back the urge to throw up again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Isaac asks, his voice growing loud. He stands up and begins to pace. I shush him, grabbing his hand and bringing him back to the bench to sit next to me. He sits back down, and I let out a quiet sigh. I just need someone next to me right now who I know isn't going to hurt me.

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