Chapter 51 || "Can't You Just Sneak Out?"

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AN: this picture has nothing to do with this chapter lmao i saw it on the instagram explore page & i was like ok this lowkey fits the previous chapter so yeah anyways enjoy!

After Shawn and I let out our built-up sexual tension in the backseat of his car, he drives me back to his house so I can take my car home.

"Are you sure you have to go home?" Shawn asks, his car stopped in the driveway. I nod.

"My parents are already going to crucify me for being out practically all day, and if I don't get home soon, they might skin me alive too." I say. Shawn laughs, and I shake my head. "Oh you think it's a joke, but you have no idea how protective my dad can be."

"I'll text you." he says.

"Don't count on me replying. I'm probably getting my phone taken away as soon as I step inside. Maybe even before that." I say.

Shawn and I sit there for a few more seconds, taking in the silence of the car, before I unbuckle my seatbelt and pick my purse up off the floor. I open the car door and Shawn does as well, both of us stepping outside. Shawn walks with me to my car, and I pull my keys out of my purse and unlock the door. I turn to Shawn and smile at him.

"Your parents seem really nice." I say. "I'm glad I got to meet them."

"I'm glad too." he says. We stare at each other, and Shawn leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back and pull away after a few seconds.



I open the door and step inside, putting my bag down on the passengers seat. I put the keys in the ignition and Shawn closes the door for me. I look at him through the window and wave goodbye, buckling myself up. He waves back, taking a step away from the car. He turns and starts to walk up his front law, making his way to his front door. I put my foot on the gas and pull away, heading back home.

The closer I get to my neighbor, the more nervous I feel myself grow. By the time I put my blinker on to turn into my neighborhood, my heart's beating so fast that I'm surprised it doesn't pop out of my chest. I slow down and pull onto my street, my house coming into view. I count the houses as I pass them, coming closer to mine.

Five. Four.

I sigh, letting out a shaky breath.


I slow down drastically.


I mentally prepare myself for what's to come.


I turn the wheel and pull into my driveway, staring at the house. I look at the door, expecting to see it open and Dad come charging out with Mom right behind, screaming at me. Nothing happens.

I cautiously turn off the car and unbuckle my seatbelt. I grab my purse and toss my keys and phone inside, open the car door, and step outside. I lock the door and quietly shut it behind me, slowly heading up the driveway to the house. I twist the knob to see the front door is already unlocked. I step inside and look around. The house is quiet and there's no sign of anyone besides the distant sound of TV playing from somewhere upstairs. I creep up the stairs and once I get to the second floor, I look around for any sign of life before making a bee-line for my door. I throw my door open to see Mom and Dad sitting on my bed.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Mom asks, a serious look on her face.

"I was with Julia." I say quickly. "I know that doesn't make it any better, but I promise I was just at her house all day. We were watching TV the whole time."

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